Test Cases for the Notification LED Test Suite (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


There are four types of test cases in the Notification LED Test Suite:

  • Build verification test cases, numbered 1xxx, verify that NLedGetDeviceInfo and NLedSetDeviceInfo succeed when passed valid arguments.
  • Robustness test cases, numbered 2xxx, verify that NLedGetDeviceInfo and NLedSetDeviceInfo respond appropriately to invalid parameters.
  • NLED verification test cases, numbered 3xxx, verify that NLedGetDeviceInfo returns the correct values.
  • Operational API test cases, numbered 4xxx, verify that NLedSetDevice responds correctly when given valid parameters.

The following table shows the test cases and descriptions for the Notification LED Test Suite.

Test case Description


Get NLED Count Information Test

Calls NLedGetDeviceInfo(NLED_COUNT_INFO_ID, pOutput), where pOutput is a pointer to a NLED_COUNT_INFO structure, and verifies that the return code is TRUE.


Get NLED Supports Information Test

Calls NLedGetDeviceInfo(NLED_SUPPORTS_INFO_ID, pOutput) for each LED, where pOutput is a pointer to a NLED_SUPPORTS_INFO structure containing the correct LED number. Outputs the reported supports information for each LED and verifies that the return code is TRUE.


Get NLED Settings Information Test

Calls NLedGetDeviceInfo(NLED_SETTINGS_INFO_ID, pOutput) for each LED, where pOutput is a pointer to a NLED_ SETTINGS_INFO structure with the correct LED number. Outputs the reported settings information for each LED and verifies that the return code is TRUE.


Set NLED Settings Information Test

Calls NLedSetDevice(NLED_SETTINGS_INFO_ID, pOutput) for each LED, where pOutput is a pointer to a NLED_SETTINGS_INFO structure with the correct LED number. Verifies that the return code is TRUE.


Get Invalid Parameters Test

Calls NLedGetDeviceInfo a series of times, with various combinations of invalid parameters. Verifies that the return code is FALSE in each case.


Get NLED_INFO Invalid NLED Number

Calls NLedGetDeviceInfo for both settings and supports information using an out of range NLED number. Verifies that the return code is FALSE in each cases.


Set NLED_INFO Invalid Parameters

Calls NLedSetDevice a series of times, attempting to pass it different combinations of invalid parameters each time. Verifies that the return code is FALSE in each case.


Set NLED_INFO Invalid NLED Number

Calls NLedSetDevice using an out of range NLED number. Verifies that the return code is FALSE.


Set NLED_INFO Invalid Blink Setting

Calls NLedSetDevice for each of the settings in NLED_SETTINGS_INFO and verifies that it returns a FALSE. This is repeated for each LED on the device.


Verify Get NLED Count

Calls NLedGetDeviceInfo(NLED_COUNT_INFO_ID, pOutput), where pOutput is a pointer to an NLED_COUNT_INFO structure. Verifies that the minimum number of NLEDs is returned. If user interaction has been enabled by including -i in the command line, the user is prompted to confirm that the NLED count is correct.


Verify Get NLED Supports

Calls NLedGetDeviceInfo(NLED_SUPPORTS_INFO_ID, pOutput) for each NLED, where pOutput is a pointer to an NLED_SUPPORTS_INFO structure. Displays the supports information, and verifies that no unsupportable combination of blinking option flags is set. If user interaction has been enabled by including -i in the command line, the user is prompted to verify each supports flag.


Verify and Validate Get NLED Settings

Calls NLedGetDeviceInfo to get the NLED supports and settings for each NLED. Validates the settings information and verifies that it is consistent with the supports information.


Verify Set NLED Settings and Get NLED Settings

Store settings information in an NLED_SETTINGS_INFO structure, and passes the structure to NLedSetDevice. Calls NLedGetDeviceInfo(NLED_SETTINGS_INFO_ID, pOutput), where pOutput is a pointer to another NLED_SETTINGS_INFO structure. Verifies that both structures contain identical information and that it is consistent with the supports information for the same NLED.


LED Off/On/Off Test

Uses NLedSetDevice to toggle each LED from OFF to ON and back to OFF. If interactive mode has been enabled, the user is prompted to observe each LED and verify that it is in the expected state. Attempts to restore original settings when the test is finished. If a state cannot be restored the LED is turned OFF.


LED Off/Blink/Off Test

Uses NLedSetDevice to toggle each LED from OFF to BLINK and back to OFF. If interactive mode has been enabled, the user is prompted to observe each LED and verify that it is in the expected state. Attempts to restore original settings when the test is finished. If a state cannot be restored the LED is turned OFF.


LED Blink Cycle Time Test

Uses NLedSetDevice to adjust the blinking rate of each NLED. In interactive mode, the user is prompted to observe the NLED to verify that it responded as expected.


LED Metacycle Blink Test

Uses NLedSetDevice to adjust the number of ON and OFF blink cycles for each LED. In interactive mode, the user is prompted to observe the NLED to verify that it responded as expected.

See Also


Notification LED Test Suite