Provisioning XML Document for Display Configuration Service Provider (Compact 2013)


Configuration Manager uses this XML document to set desktop background settings, appearance settings, and backlight settings on a Windows Embedded Compact powered device.


  <characteristic type="Display">
        <parm name="<ParmName>" value="<ParmValue>" />
      <parm-query name="<ParmName>" />


Element name




Groups settings for a configuration service provider.


Indicates the type of group. It can be one of the following:

DisplayThe root characteristic element that groups all information for the Display configuration service provider.


Metadata that describes a device setting.


The name of the device setting to configure. It can be one of the following:

WallpaperDesktop background. When used, the value of the corresponding value attribute is the path to the graphics file for the desktop background. The default value is \Windows\WindowsCE.jpg.
TileTile setting for desktop background. When used, the corresponding value attribute indicates whether to tile the wallpaper graphics file. Set the value to 1 to display the wallpaper as repeating tiles, or set to 0 to display the wallpaper as usual.
UseBatteryBattery usage. When used, the corresponding value attribute indicates whether to enable a time-out period for the backlight while the device uses a battery. Set to a non-zero integer value to enable the time-out period, or set to 0 to disable the time-out period.
BatteryTimeoutTime-out period for battery usage. When used, the corresponding value attribute indicates the time-out period during which the backlight shines light while the user is not using the device and the device is running on battery power.
UseExtExternal power usage. When used, the corresponding value attribute indicates whether to enable a time-out period for the backlight while the device uses external power.
ACTimeoutTime-out period for external power usage. When used, the corresponding value attribute indicates the time-out period during which the backlight shines light while the user is not using the device with an external power source.
SchemeCurrent color scheme. When used, the corresponding value attribute sets the color scheme to the name of a predefined color scheme, and the corresponding options attribute sets a string list of color scheme options. Use parm-query to retrieve the current list of the possible color schemes.
BrightnessBrightness of the backlight. When used, the corresponding value attribute sets the intensity of the backlight from 0 to 100.

See description in name attribute for possible values.


Specifies a request for the current value of a setting.


Any supported name attribute that is listed above.


On return, contains the value of the specified name attribute.


To change device settings for the display and backlight, you can write a provisioning XML file that you customize for the Display configuration service provider. However, the Display configuration service provider supports only a subset of elements and its own attribute values for the characteristic and parm elements.

For more information about elements, see Provisioning XML Document.


The following example code shows how to set default display settings on a device.


For readability, the following code example does not contain security checking or error handling. Do not use the following code in a production environment.

  <characteristic type="Display">
    <parm name="Scheme" value="SPRUCE" /> 
    <parm name="BatteryTimeout" value="60" /> 
    <parm name="UseBattery" value="1" /> 
    <parm name="ACTimeout" value="600" /> 
    <parm name="UseExt" value="1" /> 
    <parm name="wallpaper" value="\Windows\WindowsCE.png" /> 
    <parm name="Tile" value="0" /> 




See Also


Configuration Service Provider Reference