CEL_LOG_MARKER_V3 (Compact 2013)


This structure indicates information about the contents of the log file, such as the file format version, the frequency of the clock used to generate the timestamps in the log, and the number of CPUs on the device generating the log.


typedef struct __CEL_LOG_MARKER {
  DWORD dwFrequency;
  DWORD dwDefaultQuantum;
  DWORD dwVersion;
  DWORD dwNumCPUs;


  • dwFrequency
    Clock frequency, in tick counts per second, used to create time stamps.
  • dwDefaultQuantum
    Quantum that will be used for each new thread that is created. The quantum can be changed at any time after the thread is created.
  • dwVersion
    Version number associated with the logging subsystem.
This must always be set to 3.
  • dwNumCPUs
    Specifies the number of CPUs on the device.


The marker should be the first item logged at the beginning of each new logging session. It provides the receiver with data used to interpret the log.

The clock frequency, dwFrequency, can be used to determine the number of seconds between events. Because all time stamps are logged in tick counts, the clock frequency can be used to convert those time stamps into seconds.

See Also


CeLog Event Tracking Structures