
This structure contains an entry from the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) listener table for IPv6 on the local device. This entry also includes any available ownership data and the process ID (PID) that issued the call to the bind function for the UDP endpoint.


typedef struct _MIB_UDP6ROW_OWNER_MODULE {
  UCHAR ucLocalAddr[16];
  DWORD dwLocalScopeId;
  DWORD dwLocalPort;
  DWORD dwOwningPid;
  LARGE_INTEGER liCreateTimestamp;
  union {
    struct {
      int SpecificPortBind  :1;
    int dwFlags;  };


  • ucLocalAddr
    The IPv6 address of the UDP endpoint on the local device. This member is stored in a character array in network byte order.

    A value of zero indicates a UDP listener willing to accept datagrams for any IP interface associated with the local device.

  • dwLocalScopeId
    The scope ID for the IPv6 address of the UDP endpoint on the local device.
  • dwLocalPort
    The port number for the local UDP endpoint.
  • dwOwningPid
    The PID of the process that issued a context bind for this endpoint. If this value is set to 0, the information for this endpoint is unavailable.
  • liCreateTimestamp
    A system time value which indicates when the context bind operation that created this endpoint occurred.
  • SpecificPortBind
    A value that indicates if a specific port was specified in the last context bind operation.
  • dwFlags
    A set of flags. This member is currently not used.
  • OwningModuleInfo
    An array of opaque data that contains ownership information.


The MIB_UDP6TABLE_OWNER_MODULE structure is returned by a call to GetExtendedUdpTable with the TableClass parameter set to a UDP_TABLE_OWNER_MODULE from the UDP_TABLE_CLASS enumeration and the ulAf parameter set to AF_INET6. The MIB_UDP6TABLE_OWNER_MODULE structure contains an array of MIB_UDP6ROW_OWNER_MODULE structures.

The ucLocalAddr member is stored in a character array in network byte order.

The dwLocalScopeId member is in network byte order. In order to use the dwLocalScopeId member, the ntohl or inet_ntoa functions in Windows Sockets or similar functions may be needed.

The dwLocalPort members are in network byte order. In order to use the dwLocalPort member, the ntohs or inet_ntoa functions in Windows Sockets or similar functions may be needed.

The MIB_UDP6TABLE_OWNER_MODULE structure contains the UDP listener table for IPv6 on the local device. The name is based on the definition of this table in RFC 2454 published by the IETF. This table contains UDP endpoints for IPv6 that have been bound to an address. Be aware that an application can create a UDP socket and bind it to an address for the sole purpose of sending a UDP datagram, without an intention of receiving packets by using this socket (functioning as a listener).




See Also


MIB Structures