EapPeerQueryUserBlobFromCredentialInputFields (Compact 2013)


This function defines the implementation of an EAP method function that obtains the user BLOB data that is provided in an interactive Single-Sign-On (SSO) UI raised on the supplicant.


DWORD WINAPI EapPeerQueryUserBlobFromCredentialInputFields(
  __in     HANDLE hUserImpersonationToken,
  __in     EAP_METHOD_TYPE eapMethodType,
  __in     DWORD dwFlags,
  __in     DWORD dwEapConnDataSize,
  __in     BYTE* pbEapConnData,
  __in     const EAP_CONFIG_INPUT_FIELD_ARRAY* pEapConfigInputFieldArray,
  __inout  DWORD* pdwUsersBlobSize,
  __inout  BYTE** ppUserBlob,
  __out    EAP_ERROR** ppEapError


  • hUserImpersonationToken
    An impersonation token for the user whose credentials are to be requested and obtained.
  • eapMethodType
    An EAP_METHOD_TYPE structure that contains vendor and author information about the EAP method that is used for authenticating the connection.
  • dwFlags
    A combination of EAP Method Flags that describe the EAP authentication session behavior.
  • dwEapConnDataSize
    The size of the EAP SSO configuration data pointed to by pbEapConnData, in bytes.
  • pbEapConnData
    A pointer to an opaque byte buffer that contains the EAP SSO configuration data BLOB.
  • pdwUsersBlobSize
    A pointer to a buffer that contains the size, in bytes, of the opaque user configuration data BLOB in ppUserBlob.
  • ppUserBlob
    A pointer that contains the opaque user data BLOB.
  • ppEapError
    A pointer to the address of an EAP_ERROR structure that contains any errors raised during the execution of this function call. After using the error data, this memory must be freed by passing a pointer to the error data to EapPeerFreeErrorMemory.


EapPeerQueryUserBlobFromCredentialInputFields supports Single-Sign-On (SSO). This peer method function, just as EapPeerQueryCredentialInputFields, is used only in an SSO scenario.

After EapPeerQueryUserBlobFromCredentialInputFields, EAPHost calls EapPeerBeginSession. The supplicant uses the EAP_FLAG_PRE_LOGON flag in EapHostPeerBeginSession to indicate that EAPHost should provide SSO.

See Also


EAPHost Peer Method Configuration Functions