SOAP OS Design Development (Windows CE 5.0)

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The client-side SOAP Toolkit functionality in Microsoft® Windows® CE allows an application to invoke Web service operations, while and the server-side functionality maps invoked Web service operations to Component Object Model (COM) object method calls. For details of supported functionality, see SOAP Support in Windows CE.

OS Design Information

The following table shows OS design information for the SOAP Toolkit.

Concept Description
Dependencies Client: Winsock, TCP/IP, XML Core and DOM, XML Query Languages, Cryptography Services, and Certificates

Server: All of the above plus Device Manager, System Password, HTTPD Web Server, and Core Server Support

Hardware considerations None

Modules and Components

The following table shows the components and modules that implement the SOAP Toolkit.

Item Module Component
SOAP Toolkit support mssoap1 None
SOAP Toolkit support wisc10 None
SOAP resources mssoapr None
SOAP ISAPI handler (server only) soapisap None
SOAP proxy (only when used with DCOM) soapprxy None
SOAP Toolkit support mssoapuuid None

Implementation Considerations

The following table shows the Sysgen variables for the SOAP Toolkit.

Sysgen variable Description
SYSGEN_SOAPTK_CLIENT Adds SOAP Toolkit client support that enables Web services invocation.
SYSGEN_SOAPTK_SERVER Adds SOAP Toolkit server support that maps Web service requests to COM method calls.
SYSGEN_SOAP_PROXY Adds SOAP proxy support, used with DCOM.

Application Development Topics

SOAP Application Development

A Quick Introduction to WSDL

A Quick Introduction to WSML

Client-Side Data Flow

Server-Side Data Flow

See Also

SOAP Toolkit

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