Summary of Socket IOCTL Opcodes (Windows CE 5.0)

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The socket IOCTL opcodes for Winsock are summarized in the following table. More detailed information is provided in section 4 under WSPIoctl. There are other new protocol-specific IOCTL opcodes that can be found in the protocol-specific annex.

Opcode Input type Output type Description
FIONBIO Unsigned long <Not used> Enables or disables nonblocking mode on the socket.
FIONREAD <Not used> Unsigned long Determines the amount of data that can be read atomically from the socket.
SIO_GET_BROADCAST_ADDRESS <Not used> sockaddr Retrieves the protocol-specific broadcast address to be used in WSPSendTo.
SIO_MULTIPOINT_LOOKBACK BOOL <Not used> Controls whether data sent in a multipoint session will also be received by the same socket on the local host.
SIO_MULTICAST_SCOPE int <Not used> Specifies the scope over which multicast transmissions will occur.
SIO_ROUTING_INTERFACE_QUERY sockaddr sockaddr Obtains the address of the local interface that should be used to send to the specified address.
SIO_ROUTING_INTERFACE_CHANGE sockaddr <Not used> Requests notification of changes in information reported through SIO_ROUTING_INTERFACE_QUERY for the specified address.
SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_QUERY <Not used> SOCKET_ADDRESS_LIST Obtains the list of addresses to which the application can bind.
SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE <Not used> <Not used> Requests notification of changes in information reported through SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_QUERY.

See Also

Socket Options and IOCTLs

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