ISAXContentHandler:IUnknown (Windows CE 5.0)

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The ISAXContentHandler interface receives notification of the logical content of a document. This is the main interface implemented by most Simple API for XML (SAX) applications. If the application must be informed of basic parsing events, it implements this interface and registers an instance with the XML Reader using the putContentHandler method. The reader then uses this instance to report basic document-related events, such as the start of elements, the end of elements, and character data.

Note   Only one content handler can be registered at a time.

This interface handles events passed by the SAXXMLReader. The order of events handled by ISAXContentHandler follows the order of the information within the document being parsed. For example, the ISAXContentHandler interface handles all of an element's content, including character data, processing instructions, and subelements, in order after first handling the startElement event and before handling the endElement event.

Method Description
characters This method receives notification of character data.
endDocument This method receives notification of the end of a document.
startDocument This method receives notification of the beginning of a document.
endElement This method receives notification of the end of an element.
startElement This method receives notification of the beginning of an element.
ignorableWhitespace This method receives notification of ignorable white space in element content. This method is not called in the current implementation because the SAX2 implementation is non-validating.
endPrefixMapping This method ends the scope of a prefix-URI name space mapping.
startPrefixMapping This method begins the scope of a prefix-URI name space mapping.
processingInstruction This method receives notification of a processing instruction.
putDocumentLocator This method receives an interface for locating the origin of SAX document events.
skippedEntity This method receives notification of a skipped entity.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Msxml2.h, Msxml2.idl.
Link Library: Uuid.lib.

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