Web Server Implementation Details (Windows CE 5.0)

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The Web Server provides a convenient way of retrieving files and offers extensive scripting options for creating dynamic Web content for a Windows CE-based device.

The Web Server implements a subset of the HTTP/1.0 protocol and allows connections to be maintained through keep-alive functionality. The Web Server provides file downloads, multiple virtual paths, and simultaneous connections. Additional components can be included to add support for authentication, Internet Server Application Program Interface (ISAPI) extensions, ISAPI filters, and/or active server pages (ASP). The Httpd.dll dynamic-link library (DLL) contains the Web Server. At startup, Services.exe loads the Web Server.

In This Section

Web Server Requirements

Starting and Stopping the Web Server

Using Web Server Logging

Setting Virtual Paths

Supporting Multiple Web Sites

See Also

Web Server (HTTPD) Application Development | Web Server Registry Settings

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