Korean Keyboard (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows the Korean keyboard layout. The at (@) sign, which is included as part of the character, indicates that the character is a dead key. A dead key, when pressed in combination with second Unicode character, results in a third Unicode character. The dead-key tables show the Unicode characters that result from specific dead-key combinations. Virtual keys for the omitted scan codes equal zero (0).

Scan code Virtual key Korean character Korean character (SHIFT)
01 VK_F9 ESC[009Q ESC[021Q
03 VK_F5 ESC[005Q ESC[017Q
04 VK_F3 ESC[003Q ESC[015Q
05 VK_F1 ESC[001Q ESC[013Q
06 VK_F2 ESC[002Q ESC[014Q
07 VK_F12 ESC[012Q ESC[024Q
09 VK_F10 ESC[010Q ESC[022Q
0A VK_F8 ESC[008Q ESC[020Q
0B VK_F6 ESC[006Q ESC[018Q
0C VK_F4 ESC[004Q ESC[016Q
0D VK_TAB U+0009 ESC[Z
0E VK_BACKQUOTE U+0060 Grave Accent U+007E Tilde
11 VK_LMENU None None
12 VK_LSHIFT None None
14 VK_LCONTROL None None
15 'Q' U+1107 Hangul Choseong Pieup U+1108 Hangul Choseong Ssangpieup
16 '1' U+0031 Digit One U+0021 Exclamation Mark
1A 'Z' U+110F Hangul Choseong Khieukh None
1B 'S' U+1102 Hangul Choseong Nieun None
1C 'A' U+1106 Hangul Choseong Mieum None
1D 'W' U+110C Hangul Choseong Cieuc U+110D Hangul Choseong Ssangcieuc
1E '2' U+0032 Digit Two U+0040 Commercial At
21 'C' U+110E Hangul Choseong Chieuch None
22 'X' U+1110 Hangul Choseong Thieuth None
23 'D' U+110B Hangul Choseong Ieung None
24 'E' U+1103 Hangul Choseong Tikeut U+1104 Hangul Choseong Ssangtikeut
25 '4' U+0034 Digit Four U+0024 Dollar Sign
26 '3' U+0033 Digit Three U+0023 Number Sign
29 VK_SPACE U+0020 U+0020
2A 'V' U+1111 Hangul Choseong Phieuph None
2B 'F' U+1105 Hangul Choseong Rieul None
2C 'T' U+1109 Hangul Choseong Sios U+110A Hangul Choseong Ssangsios
2D 'R' U+1100 Hangul Choseong Kiyeok U+1101 Hangul Choseong Ssangkiyeok
2E '5' U+0035 Digit Five U+0025 Percent Sign
31 'N' U+116E Hangul Jungseong U None
32 'B' U+1172 Hangul Jungseong Yu None
33 'H' U+1169 Hangul Jungseong O None
34 'G' U+1112 Hangul Choseong Hieuh None
35 'Y' U+116D Hangul Jungseong Yo None
36 '6' U+0036 Digit Six U+005E Circumflex Accent
3A 'M' U+1173 Hangul Jungseong Eu None
3B 'J' U+1165 Hangul Jungseong Eo None
3C 'U' U+1167 Hangul Jungseong Yeo None
3D '7' U+0037 Digit Seven U+0026 Ampersand
3E '8' U+0038 Digit Eight U+002A Asterisk
41 VK_COMMA U+002C Comma U+003C Less-Than Sign
42 'K' U+1161 Hangul Jungseong A None
43 'I' U+1163 Hangul Jungseong Ya None
44 'O' U+1162 Hangul Jungseong Ae U+1164 Hangul Jungseong Yae
45 '0' U+0030 Digit Zero U+0028 Left Parenthesis
46 '9' U+0039 Digit Nine U+0029 Right Parenthesis
49 VK_PERIOD U+002E Full Stop U+003E Greater-Than Sign
4A VK_SLASH U+002F Solidus U+003F Question Mark
4B 'L' U+1175 Hangul Jungseong I None
4C VK_SEMICOLON U+003B Semicolon U+003A Colon
4D 'P' U+1166 Hangul Jungseong E U+1168 Hangul Jungseong Ye
4E VK_HYPHEN 0+002D Hyphen-Minus U+005F Low Line
52 VK_APOSTROPHE U+0027 Apostrophe U+0022 Quotation Mark
54 VK_LBRACKET U+005B Left Square Bracket U+007B Left Curly Bracket
55 VK_EQUAL 0+003D Equals Sign U+002B Plus Sign
58 VK_CAPITAL None None
59 VK_RSHIFT None None
5A VK_RETURN U+000D U+000D
5B VK_RBRACKET U+005D Right Square Bracket U+007D Right Curly Bracket
5D VK_BACKSLASH U+005C Reverse Solidus Won Sign U+007C Vertical Line
66 VK_BACK U+0008 U+0008
69 VK_NUMPAD1 None U+0031
6B VK_NUMPAD4 None U+0034
6C VK_NUMPAD7 None U+0037
70 VK_NUMPAD0 None U+0030
71 VK_DECIMAL None U+002E
72 VK_NUMPAD2 None U+0032
73 VK_NUMPAD5 None U+0035
74 VK_NUMPAD6 None U+0036
75 VK_NUMPAD8 None U+0038
76 VK_ESCAPE U+001B ESC[120Q
77 VK_NUMLOCK None None
78 VK_F11 ESC[011Q ESC[023Q
79 VK_ADD U+002B U+002B
7A VK_NUMPAD3 None U+0033
7D VK_NUMPAD9 None U+0039
83 VK_F7 ESC[007Q ESC[019Q
F1 VK_HANJA None None
F2 VK_HANGUL None None

See Also

Keyboard Layout Generator Tool

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