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This structure describes the current status of a call. The information in this structure depends on the device capabilities of the address, the ownership of the call by the invoking application, and the current state of the call being queried. The lineGetCallStatus and TSPI_lineGetCallStatus functions return the LINECALLSTATUS structure.

typedef struct linecallstatus_tag {DWORDdwTotalSize;DWORDdwNeededSize;DWORDdwUsedSize;DWORDdwCallState;DWORDdwCallStateMode;DWORDdwCallPrivilege;DWORDdwCallFeatures;DWORDdwDevSpecificSize;DWORDdwDevSpecificOffset;DWORDdwCallFeatures2;SYSTEMTIMEtStateEntryTime;} LINECALLSTATUS, FAR* LPLINECALLSTATUS; 


  • dwTotalSize
    Total size, in bytes, allocated to this data structure.
  • dwNeededSize
    Size, in bytes, for this data structure that is needed to hold all the returned information.
  • dwUsedSize
    Size, in bytes, of the portion of this data structure that contains useful information.
  • dwCallState
    Value that specifies the current call state of the call using one of the LINECALLSTATE.
  • dwCallStateMode
    The interpretation of the dwCallStateMode member is call-state-dependent. In many cases, the value will be zero. The following table shows dwCallStateMode types for a given dwCallState value.
    dwCallState CallStateMode
  • dwCallPrivilege**
    The application's privilege for this call. This member uses one or more of the LINECALLPRIVILEGE.
  • dwCallFeatures
    These flags indicate the Telephony API functions that can be invoked on the call, given the availability of the feature in the device capabilities, the current call state, and call ownership of the invoking application. A zero indicates the corresponding feature cannot be invoked by the application on the call in its current state; a one indicates the feature can be invoked. This member uses LINECALLFEATURE.
  • dwDevSpecificSize
    Size, in bytes, of the variably sized device-specific field.
  • dwDevSpecificOffset
    Offset, in bytes, from the beginning of this data structure.
  • dwCallFeatures2
    Value that indicates additional functions can be invoked on the call, given the availability of the feature in the device capabilities, the current call state, and call ownership of the invoking application. An extension of the dwCallFeatures member. This member uses LINECALLFEATURE2.
  • tStateEntryTime
    The Coordinated Universal Time at which the current call state was entered.


Device-specific extensions should use the DevSpecific (dwDevSpecificSize and dwDevSpecificOffset) variably sized area of this data structure.

The application is sent a LINE_CALLSTATE message whenever the call state of a call changes. This message only provides the new call state of the call. Additional status about a call is available with lineGetCallStatus.

The members dwCallFeatures2 and tStateEntryTime are available only to applications that open the line device with an API version of 2.0 or later.


OS Versions: Windows CE 1.0 and later.
Header: Tapi.h.

See Also

lineGetCallStatus | TSPI_lineGetCallStatus | LINE_CALLSTATE

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