HID Parser Functions (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows the HID parser functions.

Programming element Description
HidP_FreeCollectionDescription This function frees the resources in the DeviceDescription parameter that the HidP_GetCollectionDescription function allocated.
HidP_GetButtonCaps This function returns a button capability array that describes the HID control buttons in a top-level collection for a specified type of HID report.
HidP_GetCaps This function returns a top-level collection's HIDP_CAPS structure.
HidP_GetCollectionDescription This function adds a linked list of collection descriptors to the DeviceDescription parameter block. It also adds the corresponding report-identifier information that is described by the specified report descriptor.
HidP_GetData This function returns an array of HIDP_DATA structures for a specified report that identifies the data indexes of all HID control buttons currently set to On (one). It also returns data indexes and data associated with all HID control values.
HidP_GetExtendedAttributes This function returns the extended attributes of a HID control.
HidP_GetLinkCollectionNodes This function returns a top-level collection's link collection array.
HidP_GetScaledUsageValue This function returns the signed and scaled result of a HID control value extracted from a HID report.
HidP_GetSpecificButtonCaps This function returns a button capability array that describes all HID control buttons in a top-level collection that meet a specified selection criteria.
HidP_GetSpecificValueCaps This function returns a value capability array that describes all HID control values that meet specified selection criteria.
HidP_GetUsages This function returns a list of the HID control button usages that are in a specified usage page and are set to On in a HID report.
HidP_GetUsagesEx This function returns a list of the HID control button usages that are set to On in a HID report.
HidP_GetUsageValue This function extracts the data associated with a HID control value that matches selection criteria in a HID report.
HidP_GetUsageValueArray This function extracts the data associated with a HID control usage value array from a HID report.
HidP_GetValueCaps This function returns a value capability array that describes the HID control values in a top-level collection for a specified type of HID report.
HidP_InitializeReportForID This function initializes a HID report.
HidP_MaxDataListLength This function returns the maximum number of HIDP_DATA structures that HidP_GetData can return for a specified type of HID report and a specified top-level collection.
HidP_MaxUsageListLength This function returns the maximum number of HID usages that the HidP_GetUsages function can return for a specified type of HID report and a specified top-level collection.
HidP_SetData This function sets a specified set of HID control button and value usages in a HID report.
HidP_SetScaledUsageValue This function converts a signed and scaled physical number to a HID usage's logical value, and sets the usage value in a specified HID report.
HidP_SetUsages This function sets the specified HID control buttons On (one) in a HID report.
HidP_SetUsageValue This function sets a HID control value in a specified HID report.
HidP_SetUsageValueArray This function sets a HID control usage value array in a specified HID report.
HidP_UnsetUsages This function sets specified HID control button usages to Off (zero) in a HID report.
HidP_UsageAndPageListDifference This function returns the difference between two arrays of HID extended usages.
HidP_UsageListDifference This function returns the difference between two arrays of HID usages.

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