Resolving Symbol Names (Windows CE 5.0)

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To display the name of a function correctly, the Remote Call Profiler viewer must have access to both the Remote Call Profiler data (.icp) file from the profiling run and the executable file that contains the function.

This requirement applies both to the instrumented modules for your application and to supporting executable files such as system DLLs or applications associated with your application.

If Remote Call Profiler cannot find the symbol information for a function, Remote Call Profiler displays memory address information rather than the name of the function.

Symbolic information for a module might not be available if the lifespan of the module is less than approximately 250 milliseconds (ms) in duration.

To increase the likelihood of symbolic information being available for a profiled module with a short lifespan, do not unload a DLL after it loads, and if a DLL loads immediately before a process exits, insert a Sleep function of approximately 1 second before exiting the process.

Remote Call Profiler searches for an executable file first in the current directory and then in the directory that contains the .icp file. If Remote Call Profiler does not find the executable file in either of these locations, Remote Call Profiler searches for the executable file in the directory specified by the Symbol path option in the Remote Call Profiler viewer.

To specify a path for symbol information files in the Remote Call Profiler viewer

  1. From the Tools menu, choose User Settings.
  2. Choose the General tab.
  3. Expand Symbols.
  4. Choose Symbol path.
  5. In the User Settings box, type the path and file name for each executable file; separate multiple files with a semicolon (;).

After Remote Call Profiler finds an executable file, Remote Call Profiler searches the following directories for the symbol information files:

  • The directory that contains the executable file.
  • The current directory.
  • The directory specified by the Symbol path option in the Remote Call Profiler viewer.

Remote Call Profiler stops searching for symbol information files when it finds the first symbol information file.

See Also

Remote Call Profiler Data File Sharing | Data Viewing in Remote Call Profiler

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