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This structure contains transition entry information.

typedef [restricted] struct SPTRANSITIONENTRY{  SPTRANSITIONIDID;  SPSTATEHANDLEhNextState;  BYTEType;  charRequiredConfidence;  struct  {    DWORDfHasProperty;  };  floatWeight;  union  {    struct    {      SPSTATEHANDLEhRuleInitialState;      SPRULEHANDLEhRule;      void* pvClientRuleContext;    };    struct    {      SPWORDHANDLEhWord;      void* pvClientWordContext;    };    struct    {      void* pvGrammarCookie;    };  };} SPTRANSITIONENTRY;


  • ID
    Identifier of the transition.
  • hNextState
    Handle to the end state of the transition
  • Type
    Type of transition. Possible types are defined for the SPTRANSITIONTYPE enumeration
  • RequiredConfidence
    Required confidence for the transition.
  • fHasProperty
    Flag to indicate if the transition has an associated semantic property.
  • Weight
    Weight of the transition relative to other transitions out of the same state.
  • hRuleInitialState
    Handle to the initial state of the rule, if the transition type specified in the Type member is SPRULETRANS.
  • hRule
    Handle to the rule, if the transition type specified in the Type member is SPRULETRANS.
  • pvClientRuleContext
    Pointer to the client context set using ISpSREngineSite::SetRuleClientContext.
  • hWord
    Handle to a word, if the transition type specified in the Type member is SPWORDTRANS.
  • pvClientWordContext
    Pointer to the client context set using ISpSREngineSite::SetWordClientContext.
  • pvGrammarCookie
    Pointer to the grammar cookie needed to associate a text buffer with the transition.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.1 and later.
Header: Sapi.h, Sapi.idl.

See Also

SAPI Structures

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