SSL Support Registry Settings (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table lists the registry settings that have been added for SSL support under the base registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\COMM\HTTPD\SSL.

Value : type Description
IsEnabled : REG_DWORD If the value is not set in the registry, IsEnabled will default zero (0). Set this value to nonzero to enable. If this value is set to zero (0) or does not exist, SSL will not be enabled on the Web Server.
Port : REG_DWORD If the value is not set in the registry, Port will default to 443.

Specifies the port that is used to receive SSL connections. It is recommended that this value not be changed under normal usage.

CertificateSubject : REG_SZ Default value is not set in the registry.

Specifies the subject of the certificate that the server will use. This certificate should already be installed under "MY" cert store when the Web Server starts. If this certificate cannot be loaded, SSL will not be enabled and an error message will be written out to the log file.

See Also

Web Server Registry Settings

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