IOCTL_POWER_GET (Windows CE 5.0)

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This IOCTL gets the current device power state.


  • pBufIn
    [in] Set to a pointer to POWER_RELATIONSHIP. This defines the target device for parent and bus drivers. Otherwise, set to NULL.
  • dwLenIn
    [in] Size of the POWER_RELATIONSHIP structure.
  • pBufOut
    [out] Set to a pointer to CEDEVICE_POWER_STATE. This returns the current device power state.
  • dwLenOut
    [out] Size of the CEDEVICE_POWER_STATE parameter.
  • pdwActualOut
    [out] Number of bytes passed back in the pBufOut buffer.

Return Values

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.


The Power Manager will only send this IOCTL to drivers that support the power management IOCTLs.

By design, the Power Manager knows the device power state of all power-manageable devices. It will not generally issue an IOCTL_POWER_GET call to the device unless an application calls GetDevicePower with the POWER_FORCE flag set.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Pm.h.

See Also


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