ImeGetUIClassName (Simplified Chinese) (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function is called by the Chinese Pocket Input Method Editor (IME) to load the user interface (UI) module.

voidImeGetUIClassName(  LPTSTRlpszImeUIClassName); 


  • lpszImeUIClassName
    Pointer to the name of the UI class.

Return Values



An OEM can supply a custom UI module for Traditional Chinese or Simplified Chinese Pocket IME. The UI module must expose the ImeGetUIClassName function, which the IME calls to load the UI module.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Msimeui.h.
Link Library: Msimeuic.lib.

See Also

Simplified Chinese Pocket IME Architecture in Windows CE | Traditional Chinese Pocket IME Architecture

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