IVoIPMgr2::RegisterWithSIPServer (Windows CE 5.0)

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This method starts a registration attempt with the specified SIP proxy/registrar server. The results of this attempt are posted to the IVoIPUI::OnSystemEvent method using the IVoIPUI reference that was provided when the VoIP manager was initialized using IVoIPMgr2::InitializeEx.

This method replaces the IVoIPMgr::Reregister method, which is no longer supported.

HRESULT RegisterWithSIPServer(  SIPServerRegistrationParameters *pParams);


  • pParams
    [in] Pointer to a SIPServerRegistrationParameters structure that contains the parameters for the SIP server. The wszURI and wszServer fields are required. A default setting is assumed for any other field in the structure left blank or NULL.

Return Values

This method can return an RTC_E_ constant if the RTC Client API, which is used by the implementation of this method, encounters network problems or the provided parameters are invalid.

The following table shows additional possible return values.

Value Description
E_INVALIDARG The wszURI and/or wszServer fields of the pParams structure are NULL. These fields are required.
E_POINTER The pParams pointer is NULL.
S_OK The registration attempt was initiated correctly. Results will be posted to the IVoIPUI::OnSystemEvent method using the reference provided in the IVoIPMgr2::InitializeEx call.
VOIP_E_BUSY The VoIP manager is waiting for another event, like shutdown, and cannot be used to reregister.
VOIP_E_NOTINITIALIZED The VoIP manager is not initialized. It must be initialized using IVoIPMgr2::InitializeEx.


OS Versions: Windows CE 5.0 and later.
Header: Voipmanager.h, Voipmanager.idl.
Link Library: Voipguid.lib.

See Also

IVoIPMgr2 | RTC_E_ | IVoIPMgr::Initialize | IVoIPUI | IVoIPUI::OnSystemEvent

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