FBA DLL/COM Registration

This resource is required for a component that needs to register a Component Object Model (COM) InProc server during the first boot of the run-time image. First Boot Agent (FBA) calls the Win32 function LoadLibrary and then optionally calls DllRegisterServer/DllUnregisterServer and/or DllInstall.

The following extended properties can be set for the FBA DLL/COM Registration resource in Component Designer or in Target Designer.

  • Arguments

    Type Required or optional
    String Optional

    Specifies the value for the pszCmdLine parameter passed to the **DLLInstall****entry point.

    Arguments containing paths should use environment variables in path names. For more information, see Predefined System Environment Variables.

    The default value is an empty string.

  • ComponentVSGUID

    Type Required or optional
    GUID Not applicable

    Reserved for Microsoft.

  • DllInstall

    Type Required or optional
    Boolean Required

    If True, the **DllInstall****entry point is called. Both DLLInstall and DLLRegister can be set to True. The default value is False.

  • DllRegister

    Type Required or optional
    Boolean Required

    If the default value of True, then either the **DllRegisterServer****or the DllUnregisterServer entry point is called based on the value of the Flags property. Both DLLInstall and DLLRegister can be set to True.

  • ErrorControl

    Type Required or optional
    Integer Required

    Controls how FBA deals with an error when processing an operation.

    • 0: Continue on error. Default.
    • 1: Halt on error.

    If the return value of LoadLibrary, GetProcAddress, or the DLL entry point is greater than 0x80000000, then FBA considers this an error and behaves according to the value of this property.

  • Filepath

    Type Required or optional
    String Required

    Specifies the name of the DLL to be loaded. This value must be a fully qualified path, for example, %11%\Your.dll. Use environment variables in path names. For more information, see Predefined System Environment Variables.

  • Flags

    Type Required or optional
    Integer Required

    Bitmask that is interpreted as follows:

    • Bit 0: Specifies which entry point is called first, DLLRegisterServer/DllUnregisterServer or DLLInstall. If set, then DLLInstall is called first. Default.
    • Bit 1: Specifies the type of operation to be performed. If **DllRegisteris True and this bit is 0 then DllRegisterServer is called otherwise DllUnregisterServer is called. If **DllInstallis True and this bit is 0, then DllInstall(True, <Arguments>) is called; otherwise, DllInstall(FALSE, <Arguments>).
  • Reboot

    Type Required or optional
    Boolean True

    Specifies if a reboot is required following the completion of the FBA operation.

    • True: FBA completes its operation, reboots, and then continues.
    • FALSE: FBA continues to process without rebooting. Default.
  • Start

    Type Required or optional
    Integer Required

    Reserved for Microsoft. Must be 1.

  • Timeout

    Type Required or optional
    Integer Required

    Specifies the time, in seconds, that a program is allowed to execute before being terminated by FBA.

    The default value of 0 indicates an infinite number of seconds.

  • Type

    Type Required or optional
    Integer Required

    Reserved for Microsoft. Must be 2.

The following table shows how the various combinations of Flags, DllInstall, and DllRegister are interpreted.

DllRegister DLLInstall Flags Effect
False False 0 Not applicable
True False 0 DllRegisterServer
False True 0 DllInstall(TRUE)
True True 0 DllRegisterServer followed by DllInstall(TRUE)
False False 1 Not applicable
True False 1 DllRegisterServer
False True 1 DllInstall(TRUE)
True True 1 DllInstall(TRUE) followed by DllRegisterServer
False False 2 Not applicable
True False 2 DllUnregisterServer
False True 2 DllInstall(FALSE)
True True 2 DllUnregisterServer followed by DllInstall(FALSE)
False False 3 Not applicable
True False 3 DllUnregisterServer
False True 3 DllInstall(FALSE)
True True 3 DllInstall(FALSE) followed by DllUnregisterServer

See Also

Custom Resources

Last updated on Wednesday, October 18, 2006

© 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.