USB_INTERFACE (Windows CE 5.0)

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This structure contains interface information.

typedef struct _USB_INTERFACE {  const DWORD dwCount;  const USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR Descriptor;  const LPCVOID lpvExtended;  const LPCUSB_ENDPOINT lpEndpoints;} USB_INTERFACE, * PUSB_INTERFACE, * LPUSB_INTERFACE;


  • dwCount
    Size, in bytes, of the structure.
  • Descriptor
    Pointer to a USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR structure.
  • lpvExtended
    Pointer to any attributes not included in USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR.
  • lpEndpoints
    Pointer to a USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR structure.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.10 and later.
Header: Usbtypes.h.

See Also


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