VIDMEMINFO (Windows CE 5.0)

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This structure contains the display memory information.

typedef struct _VIDMEMINFO {FLATPTRfpPrimary;DWORDdwFlags;DWORDdwDisplayWidth;DWORDdwDisplayHeight;LONGlDisplayPitch;DDPIXELFORMATddpfDisplay;DWORDdwOffscreenAlign;DWORDdwOverlayAlign;DWORDdwTextureAlign;DWORDdwZBufferAlign;DWORDdwAlphaAlign;DWORDdwNumHeaps;LPVIDMEMpvmList;} VIDMEMINFO;typedef VIDMEMINFO FAR* LPVIDMEMINFO;


  • fpPrimary**
    Pointer to the primary surface.
  • dwFlags**
    This member is currently unused.
  • dwDisplayWidth**
    Indicates the current display width.
  • dwDisplayHeight
    Indicates the current display height.
  • lDisplayPitch**
    Indicates the current display pitch.
  • ddpfDisplay**
    Pointer to a DDPIXELFORMAT structure that indicates the pixel format of the display.
  • dwOffscreenAlign**
    Indicates the byte alignment for off screen surfaces.
  • dwOverlayAlign**
    Indicates the byte alignment for overlays.
  • dwTextureAlign
    Indicates the byte alignment for textures.
  • dwZBufferAlign**
    Indicates the byte alignment for z-buffers.
  • dwAlphaAlign**
    Indicates the byte alignment for alpha.
  • dwNumHeaps**
    Indicates the number of memory heaps in pvmList.
  • pvmList**
    Pointer to an array of heaps.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.12 and later. Version 2.12 requires DXPAK 1.0 or later.
Header: Ddrawi.h.

See Also

DDPIXELFORMAT | Display Memory Structures

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