WAV_IOControl (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function is the Device I/O control routine for the WAV I/O device.

BOOL WAV_IOControl(DWORDdwOpenData,DWORDdwCode,PBYTEpBufIn,DWORDdwLenIn,PBYTEpBufOut,DWORDdwLenOut,PDWORDpdwActualOut);


  • dwOpenData
    Specifies a value returned from a call to the WAV_Open function.
  • dwCode
    Specifies an I/O control code for this function to be performed. This function supports the I/OCTL values, IOCTL_WAV_MESSAGE, IOCTL_DSDVR_MESSAGE, and IOCTL_MIX_MESSAGE.
  • pBufIn
    Pointer to a MMDRV_MESSAGE_PARAMS structure.
  • dwLenIn
    Specifies the size, in bytes, of input parameter structure (sizeof(MMDRV_MESSAGE_PARAMS)). The size of the DSDVR_MESSAGE_PARAMS structure that matches the DSDVR_MESSAGE_PARAMS message.
  • pBufOut
    Pointer to the return value (DWORD).
  • dwLenOut
    Specifies the size of the return value variable (sizeof(DWORD)).
  • pdwActualOut
    Not used.

Return Values

TRUE indicates success. FALSE indicates failure.


OS Versions: Windows CE 1.0 and later.
Header: Wavemdd.h.

See Also

WAV_Open | MMDRV_MESSAGE_PARAMS | Waveform Audio Driver Functions

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