msxml3 Module (Windows CE 5.0)

The msxml3 module implements MSXML version 3.0 SP1, which is a parser for XML files. For more information, see XML.

The following table shows components contained in the msxml3 module.

Component Description Note Import file
xmldom Supports the basic Document Object Model (DOM) for MSXML. Not applicable. Xmldom.lib
xmlhttp Implements the XMLHTTP object. Not applicable. Xmlhttp.lib
xmlmime Provides support for displaying XML Mime-Type files directly within the browser. Exposes no public functions. xmlmime.lib
xmlminisax Provides the smallest possible XML component for devices that require some XML parsing but have extremely limited resources. Not applicable. Xmlminisax.lib
xmlnetfull Relies on WinInet and Urlmon modules to perform network operations, such as downloading document-type definitions (DTD) from remote servers. Exposes no public functions. Xmlnetfull.lib
xmlnetmini_httplite Performs network operations using httplite, which is a minimal version of WinInet that is intended for devices that have resource limitations. Exposes no public functions. Xmlnetmini.lib
xmlnetmini_wininet Performs network operation using WinInet. Exposes no public functions. Xmlnetmini.lib
xmlsax Supports Simple API for XML (SAX)-based parsing. Not applicable. Xmlsax.lib
xmlxql Provides support for the XML Query Language (XQL). Exposes no public functions. Xmlxql.lib
xmlxslt Provides XML Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) support. Exposes no public functions. Xmlxslt.lib

Last updated on Thursday, February 02, 2006

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