Authentication Services Application Development (Windows CE 5.0)

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Services supported by Windows CE include security services for user authentication, credential management, and message protection through a programming interface called the Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI). A Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI) allows an application to use various security models available on a computer or network without changing the interface to the security system.

A security support provider (SSP) is contained in a dynamic-link library (DLL) that implements SSPI by making one or more security packages available to applications. Each security package provides mappings between the SSPI function calls of an application and the functions of an actual security model. Security packages support security protocols such as Kerberos and NTLM.

The following security support providers are supported by Windows CE:

  • Kerberos Security Support Provider
  • NTLM Security Support Provider
  • Schannel Security Support Provider
  • Negotiate Security Support Provider

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