NMNEWMENU (Windows CE 5.0)

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This structure contains information about a notification message for the New button menu. The pointer to this structure is specified as the lParam parameter of the WM_NOTIFY message.


typedef struct tagNMNEWMENU {  NMHDR hdr;  TCHAR szReg[80];  HMENU hMenu;  CLSID clsid;  IpropertyBag ** pppropbag;} NMNEWMENU, * PNMNEWMENU;


  • hdr
    Standard NMHDR definition. The code member is one of the following notifications:
  • szReg
    Null-terminated string containing registry information. This is used by the NMN_GETAPPREGKEY notification.
  • hMenu
    Handle to the New button menu.
  • clsid
    Class ID of the menu selection. This is used by the NMN_INVOKECOMMAND notification.
  • pppropbag
    Pointer to a pointer to an IPropertyBag interface containing information used to initialize a new item created by the New button. This is used by the NMN_GETPROPERTYBAG notification.


Pocket PC: Pocket PC 2000 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later
Header: newmenu.h

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