EConvert Commands

To use EConvert, type the following syntax in a command prompt.

EConvert /I:<file> /O:<folder> /L:<folder> /P:<GUID> 
/R:<GUID> /?/T:Device /T:Install /X:<name>,<format>,<value> /C:<name>; /N:<inf>,<section>,<GUID>; 
/E:<keyword>,<section>,<inf file>


  • /I:<file>
    Specifies the input file. EConvert chooses a conversion algorithm based on the file extension, and then converts the file into an .sld file.

    If this argument is not given, it is assumed that the input file is any argument that is not preceded by a slash (/).

    If EConvert does not recognize the file extension, nothing is output.

  • /O:<folder>
    Specifies the output folder. The conversion results are saved as <file name>.sld and placed in the specified folder.

    If this argument is not given, the .sld file is placed in the current working path.

  • /L:<folder>
    Specifies the log output folder. EConvert creates a log file for each input file it processes and saves it as <file name>.sld.

  • /P:<GUID>
    Specifies the platform VSGUID for the components that are created based on the input file contents.

    If this argument is not used, you are prompted to choose a platform for the resulting components.

  • /R:<GUID>
    Specifies the repository VSGUID for the components that are created based on the input file contents. If this argument is omitted, {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} is set as the repository VSGUID of the resulting component.

  • /?
    Displays a list of command-line options for this tool.

  • **/T:**Device
    Specifies the type of .inf file to process. Only allows processing of device type .inf files. For .inf files only.

  • **/T:**Install
    Specifies the type of .inf file to process. Only allows processing of install type .inf files. For .inf files only.

  • /X:<name>,<format>,<value>
    Adds an extended property for each component generated from the .inf file. The extended property contains the name, format, and value specified in this argument. Available format types are string and integer. For .inf files only.

    For example, the argument /X:BuildNum,String,365 adds an extended property of name BuildNum to each resulting component from the .inf file.

  • /C:<name>
    Specifies the resulting component display name when the /E custom parsing option is used or when the .inf file type is Install. This argument is ignored for Plug and Play device .inf files. For .inf files only.

  • /N:<inf>,<section>,<GUID>
    Controls the processing of include directives within .inf files. It replaces occurrences of Include/Needs directive pair specified by <inf> and <section> subparameters with a dependency on a component or group specified by the given <GUID>. For .inf files only.

  • /E:<keyword>,<section>,<inf file>
    Allows custom parsing of the specified .inf file. Information is extracted from .inf files that are not recognized as .inf types known to the importer. Using this option, you can specify the name of the .inf file and section within that file to process in a specific way. The keyword indicates how to process the section. For .inf files only.

    To collect data from multiple sections or .inf files, you can enter multiple /E arguments.

    The following table describes the valid keywords.

    Keyword Description
    CopyFiles Creates file resources for files specified in the section. The section must have a CopyFiles section format in the .inf file. For example, /E:CopyFiles,CopyFiles_Sys,netils.inf creates one file resource for each entry in CopyFiles.Sys section in Netils.inf.
    AddReg Creates registry resources for registry entries specified in the section. The section must have the AddReg section format in the .inf file. For example, /E:AddReg,Base.IE.AddReg,ie.inf creates one RegKey resource for each entry in Base.IE.AddReg section of Ie.inf.
    AddService Creates services resources from the specified section. The section must have one or more lines that specifies AddService directive. For example, /E:AddService,ACPI_Inst.NT.Services,acpi.inf creates a service resource for each line in ACPI_Inst.NT.Services section of Acpi.inf file.
    RegDll Creates RegisterDll resources for entries found in the specified section. The section must have the RegisterDll section format in the .inf file. For example, /E:RegDll,Fax.RegSvr,fxsocm.inf processes each line in Fax.RegSvr section of Fxsocm.inf and creates a FBRegDll resource for each line.
    Install Processes the specified section similarly to the [DefaultInstall] section. For example, /E:Install,DNS,netdns.inf processes the DNS section in Netdns.inf similarly to [Default Install], creating resources based on the directives in [Default Install].
    Manufacturer Processes the specified section as a manufacturer section in a Plug and Play device .inf file. Each .inf manufacture section has the following format:

    device-description=ddinstall-section,hw-id [,compatible-id...]

    One component is created for each entry, and a corresponding component definition is created that contains the resources described in the ddinstall-section. For example, /E:Manufacturer,NEC,1394.inf processes all devices specified in NEC section of 1394.inf and creates one component for each device.

    **Note   **If you do not use the Manufacturer keyword, one component is created for all keywords and saved into an .sld file.

    Although the custom parsing option contains a file name argument, you must type a file name in the /E parameter at the command prompt to specify the add-in to be loaded.

    The following example is missing the file name argument, and therefore fails.

    Econvert /E:Install,DNS,netdns.inf

    The following example succeeds.

    Econvert /E:Install,DNS,netsnmp.inf netsnmp.inf

See Also

File Conversion with EConvert | EConvert Messages

Last updated on Wednesday, October 18, 2006

© 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.