DUA Registry Settings

You can update the DUA service on a run-time image by editing the registry settings with regedit, or by adding the updates to a Device Update Program.

The following table shows the values you can edit in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DUAgent\Parameters\Config registry key.

Value Type Default Description
RunOnStart REG_DWORD 1 0 = Do not poll when started.

1 = Poll immediately when started.

PollToD REG_BINARY Unspecified Unspecified = Do not run.

Specified = Run at specified day and hour. An array can contain a maximum of seven PollToD structures, where each structure is a bitfield, as shown in the following lists:

Day and hour on which to poll:

  • Bit 31 = Reserved
  • Bit 30 = Sunday
  • Bit 29 = Monday
  • Bit 28 = Tuesday
  • Bit 27 = Wednesday
  • Bit 26 = Thursday
  • Bit 25 = Friday
  • Bit 24 = Saturday

Hour of the day:

  • Bit 23 = 24:00 (Hour 24 - 0 minutes)
  • Bit 22 = 01:00 (Hour 1 - 0 minutes)
  • Bit 0 = 23:00 (Hour 23 - 0 minutes)
PollInterval REG_DWORD Unspecified Specified = Poll every interval. Intervals are specified in seconds.

Unspecified = Do not run periodically. In this case, the time to run defaults to a combination of the RunOnStart and StartTime values.

PollJitter REG_DWORD Unspecified 1 = Randomize polling. Polling occurs once in each interval. This poll is randomly distributed.

0 = Use the regular polling interval without jitter. Default behavior if PollJitter is unspecified.

WorkingDir REG_SZ Unspecified Path to working folder. Specify a fully qualified path to the working folder. The path must be less than _MAX_PATH bytes.
WorkingDir REG_EXPAND_SZ Unspecified Path to working folder and the command file that may contain environment variables. The expanded path must be less than _MAX_PATH bytes.

Unspecified = WorkingDir is set to TEMP or TMP. If neither of these environment variables are set, then WINDIR is used.

Use the working directory as returned from the GetCurrentDirectory function.

The following table shows the values you must add to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DUAgent\Parameters\Config\Sessions\0000 registry key.

Value Type Default Description
Type REG_DWORD 0 0 = Local path

1 = HTTP path

The following table shows the values to use for a local path.

Value Type Default Description
CmdFile REG_SZ Unspecified Path to command file.

Specify a fully qualified path to the command file. The path must be less than _MAX_PATH bytes, and on the same drive as the working directory.

CmdFile REG_EXPAND_SZ Unspecified Path to command file that contains environment variables.

Specifies a path to the command file that may contain environment variables.

Expanded path must be less than _MAX_PATH bytes.

Must be on the same drive as the working directory.

Unspecified[Default] = No action required.

The following table shows the values to use for an HTTP path.

Value Type Default Description
ProxyAccessType REG_DWORD Unspecified Unspecified = Proxy name.

0 = Default proxy. Retrieves the proxy settings from the registry and prevents the use of a startup script or an Internet setup (.ins) file. Autoproxy features are not implemented.

1 = No proxy. Resolves all host names locally.

3 = Named proxy. Passes requests to the proxy server unless a proxy bypass list is supplied and the name to be resolved bypasses the proxy.

ProxyName REG_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ Unspecified A string value using environment variables that defines the proxy name.

String that specifies the name of the proxy server to use when proxy access is specified by setting ProxyAccessType to 3. Only CERN type proxies are recognized for HTTP. Do not specify this parameter if ProxyAccessType is not set to 3.

ProxyBypassList REG_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ Unspecified A string value that uses environment variables to define the proxy bypass list.

Unspecified = No bypass list.

String that contains an optional list of host names, IP addresses, or both, that should not be routed through the proxy when ProxyAccessType is set to 3. The list can contain wildcards. If you use an empty string, it is used as the proxy bypass list. If this parameter specifies the "<local>" macro as the only entry, the function bypasses all host names that do not contain a period. Do not specify this parameter if ProxyAccessType is not set to 3.

HostName REG_SZ Unspecified Host name without environment variables. Host name for HTTP server.
HostName REG_EXPAND_SZ Unspecified Host name with environment variables.

Unspecified = No action required.

HostPort REG_DWORD Unspecified Port number for HTTP server.

Unspecified. Use 80 for HTTP. Use 443 for HTTPS.

Protocol REG_DWORD Unspecified 0 = HTTP.

1 = HTTPS.

Unspecified = HTTPS (default).

ProtocolVersion REG_SZ Unspecified Protocol version in standard HTTP format Major.Minor.
ProtocolVersion REG_EXPAND_SZ Unspecified Protocol version in standard HTTP format Major.Minor.

Protocol version using environment variables.

Unspecified = 1.1 (default).

ProtocolReferrer REG_SZ Unspecified Protocol referrer.
ProtocolReferrer REG_EXPAND_SZ Unspecified Referrer coming from environment variables on this device.

Unspecified = NULL.

ProtocolAcceptTypes REG_MULTI_SZ Unspecified Specified = Media types that Device Update Agent accepts. HTTP client accepts types such as text/*. Accept types are specified one per line.

Unspecified = Servers generally interpret this as an indication that the client accepts all media types.

This setting applies to the command file poll location only.

CmdFile REG_SZ Unspecified Fully qualified path to the command file. Path must be less than _MAX_PATH bytes.
CmdFile REG_EXPAND_SZ Unspecified Path to command file that may contain environment variables on this device. Expanded path must be less than _MAX_PATH bytes.

Unspecified = No action required.

AutoLogonLevel REG_DWORD Unspecified 0 – MEDIUM = Use default credentials for intranet requests only.

1 – LOW = Use default credentials for all requests. Default behavior if no value is specified.

2 – HIGH = Never use default credentials.

UserName REG_SZ Unspecified User name without environment variables = User name for host.
UserName REG_EXPAND_SZ Unspecified User name with environment variables.

Unspecified = Use NULL.

Password REG_SZ Unspecified Password without environment variables = Password for host.
Password REG_EXPAND_SZ Unspecified Password with environment variables.

Unspecified = Use NULL.

**Note   **Using NULL for UserName and Password does not mean that you cannot authenticate against an HTTP server. You can use default credentials to authenticate. The preferred authentication method is chosen by the HTTP server, for example, the server may choose basic, digest, NTLM, passport, or negotiate.

See Also

DUA Settings Reconfiguration | Device Update Agent

Last updated on Wednesday, October 18, 2006

© 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.