Error Report Generator OS Design Development (Windows CE 5.0)

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The Error Report Generator creates dump files in accordance with options set in the registry.

It supports file formats that are compatible with the requirements of the Watson web site,, so the receiving server can handle classification of and reporting on uploaded dump files.

OS Design Information

The following table shows OS design information for the Error Report Generator.

Concept Description
Dependencies Reserved memory.

Error Report Transfer Driver.

Hardware considerations If the target device uses a flash device to persist storage, the OEM must implement the related drivers.

**Note   **: Error Reporting dump file generation requires reserved memory for dump files. If no memory is reserved, no dump file generation occurs.

To reserve memory for dump files, initialize the global variable dwNKDrWatsonSize with the amount of memory you want to reserve with OEMInit during initialization of board-level hardware.

At least 128 KB should be reserved for dump files.

The reserved memory must be a multiple of the target device PAGE_SIZE.

For more information about initializing board-level hardware, see Implementing the OEMInit Function.

Modules and Components

The following components and modules implement Error Report Generator.

Item Module Component
Dump file generator OsAxsT0.dll, hd.dll Dump File Generator
Reserved memory and persistent storage Nk.exe Kernel

Implementation Considerations

The following Sysgen variables are for the Error Report Generator.

Sysgen variable Description
SYSGEN_WATSON_DMPGEN Includes dump file generator in run-time image.

See Also

Error Report Generator | Kernel Overview

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