Device fields (Device Stage Visual Editor)

This topic shows all device property metadata fields, their content description, whether they are required or optional, and references to associated documentation that has technical details (which includes element type metadata for manually modifying the XML source).

Device fields

Field Description Required/Optional
Category Functional categories that apply to the device. Required
DeviceDescription1 Descriptive information about the device. Should be a concise, useful description of the physical device. Optional
DeviceDescription2 Additional descriptive information about the device. Optional
ExperienceID GUID that Microsoft manages. This GUID is used to group one or more metadata packages for the same device identifiers independent of the packages’ locale. Optional
HardwareIDs One or more hardware IDs for the device. Optional. Either HardwareID or ModelID must be specified.
Icon Name of the device icon file in the device metadata package. Optional
LastModifiedDate Date/time that the device metadata package was last changed. Required
LocaleDefault Declared locale of the device metadata package. Required
LocaleLanguage Default locale of the resident computer. Required
Manufacturer Name of the device manufacturer. For example, in the case of the Fabrikam mFab 1000, this would be “Fabrikam”. Required
ModelIDs List of one or more model IDs that the device metadata package supports. Each model ID specifies a device type or model. Optional. Either HardwareID or ModelID must be specified.
ModelName Model name of the device. It should not include the manufacturer name or version of the device. For example, “mFab” should be used instead of “Fabrikam mFab 1000”. Required
ModelNumber Model or part number of the device as the manufacturer defines it. Optional


Device BrandingHeader fields

Field Description Required/Optional
BackgroundColor Background color of the branding bar. Use this attribute to control the color of the branding bar if no file is provided in BackgroundImage. Required
BackgroundImage File name to use as a “Background” graphic in the branding bar. Optional
DeviceImage Graphic filename to use as the device “hero” image in the branding bar and taskbar. Optional
LauncherThumbnail Thumbnail image that represents the device that starts a Device Stage experience when the image is clicked (nomad devices only). Optional
LogosSplit General layout of the logo area, as well as how it should behave when it is resized in mini-mode. Optional
MarketingBullets Up to three brief descriptions of device capabilities that enable manufacturers to showcase key features. Optional
TextColor Color of text that is used to display marketing bullets, status, and the device name and model in the branding bar. Required
WatermarkAlignment How the watermark is positioned in the branding bar. The watermark may be aligned right, left, or center. Optional
WatermarkImage File name to use as the ‘Watermark Overly” graphic in the branding bar. Optional


Device BrandingHeader PrimaryLogo fields

The primary category refers to the primary function of a multifunction device. The primary category should be consistent with how the device is marketed and sold, and ultimately how most users identify the device. For example, the primary category for the multifunction printer is typically “printer”.

Field Description Required/Optional
Halign Horizontal alignment for the logo in the branding bar. The default value is “Center”. Optional
Image Primary brand logo that appears in the Device Stage Visual Editor branding bar. Required
ToolTip String to appear as a tooltip when the user moves the pointer over the logo. Optional
URL Website to open if the user clicks the logo. Optional
Valign Vertical alignment for the logo in the branding bar. The default value is “Center”. Optional


Device BrandingHeader SecondaryLogo fields

Field Description Required/Optional
Halign Horizontal alignment for the logo in the branding bar. The default value is “Center”. Optional
Image Secondary brand logo that appears in the Device Stage Visual Editor branding bar. Required
ToolTip String to appear as a tooltip when the user moves the pointer over the logo. Optional
URL Website to open if the user clicks the logo. Optional
Valign Vertical alignment for the logo in the branding bar. The default value is “Center”. Optional


Device TaskViewAppearance fields

Field Description Required/Optional
BackgroundColor Background color of the task and category area. Optional
DescriptionColor Color of the task and category descriptions. Optional
FrameColor Color of the single-pixel dividing line between the branding bar and the task and category area. Optional
TextColor Color of the task and the category titles. Optional


Category TaskCategoryMapping task fields

Field Description Required/Optional
CommandLine Path to the functionality of a particular task in the device metadata package. It depends on the TaskType for the URL or the Windows path. Command-line arguments should be executed when the task is begun. Required
Description Descriptive information about the task. Required
DisplayName Task name for display. Required
Icon File name of the device icon (.ico file) that appears in the device experience and on the taskbar. Required
ID Unique GUID that is used to define the category. Required
IssueTime Time at which a task is issued. If no IssueTime exists, then the time at which the task is installed is assumed to be IssueTime. Optional
Rank Value that is used in conjunction with the task execution count to determine UI display order. Optional
Requirements Requirements that must be met for the task to appear. They are evaluated in order and all must pass for the task to appear. Optional
RequiresElevation Indication that the task requires elevation to run. Optional
TaskType Choose from four options:
  • ShellExecute (default)
  • HostedSite
  • HostedSiteWithDevice
  • InPanelLayout


Device metadata schema reference

Microsoft Experience Development Kit

Icon design guidelines



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