winusb.h header
This header is used by USB driver reference. For more information, see:
winusb.h contains the following programming interfaces:
WinUsb_AbortPipe The WinUsb_AbortPipe function aborts all of the pending transfers for a pipe. This is a synchronous operation. |
WinUsb_ControlTransfer The WinUsb_ControlTransfer function transmits control data over a default control endpoint. |
WinUsb_FlushPipe The WinUsb_FlushPipe function discards any data that is cached in a pipe. This is a synchronous operation. |
WinUsb_Free The WinUsb_Free function releases all of the resources that WinUsb_Initialize allocated. This is a synchronous operation. |
WinUsb_GetAdjustedFrameNumber The WinUsb_GetAdjustedFrameNumber function computes what the current USB frame number should be based on the frame number value and timestamp. |
WinUsb_GetAssociatedInterface The WinUsb_GetAssociatedInterface function retrieves a handle for an associated interface. This is a synchronous operation. |
WinUsb_GetCurrentAlternateSetting The WinUsb_GetCurrentAlternateSetting function gets the current alternate interface setting for an interface. This is a synchronous operation. |
WinUsb_GetCurrentFrameNumber The WinUsb_GetCurrentFrameNumber function gets the current frame number for the bus. |
WinUsb_GetCurrentFrameNumberAndQpc The WinUsb_GetCurrentFrameNumberAndQpc function retrieves the system query performance counter (QPC) value synchronized with the frame and microframe. |
WinUsb_GetDescriptor The WinUsb_GetDescriptor function returns the requested descriptor. This is a synchronous operation. |
WinUsb_GetOverlappedResult The WinUsb_GetOverlappedResult function retrieves the results of an overlapped operation on the specified file. |
WinUsb_GetPipePolicy The WinUsb_GetPipePolicy function retrieves the policy for a specific pipe associated with an endpoint on the device. This is a synchronous operation. |
WinUsb_GetPowerPolicy The WinUsb_GetPowerPolicy function retrieves the power policy for a device. This is a synchronous operation. |
WinUsb_Initialize The WinUsb_Initialize function creates a WinUSB handle for the device specified by a file handle. |
WinUsb_QueryDeviceInformation The WinUsb_QueryDeviceInformation function gets information about the physical device that is associated with a WinUSB interface handle. |
WinUsb_QueryInterfaceSettings The WinUsb_QueryInterfaceSettings function retrieves the interface descriptor for the specified alternate interface settings for a particular interface handle. |
WinUsb_QueryPipe The WinUsb_QueryPipe function retrieves information about the specified endpoint and the associated pipe for an interface. |
WinUsb_QueryPipeEx The WinUsb_QueryPipeEx function retrieves extended information about the specified endpoint and the associated pipe for an interface. |
WinUsb_ReadIsochPipe The WinUsb_ReadIsochPipe function reads data from an isochronous OUT endpoint. |
WinUsb_ReadIsochPipeAsap The WinUsb_ReadIsochPipeAsap function submits a request that reads data from an isochronous OUT endpoint. |
WinUsb_ReadPipe The WinUsb_ReadPipe function reads data from the specified pipe. |
WinUsb_RegisterIsochBuffer The WinUsb_RegisterIsochBuffer function registers a buffer to be used for isochronous transfers. |
WinUsb_ResetPipe The WinUsb_ResetPipe function resets the data toggle and clears the stall condition on a pipe. |
WinUsb_SetCurrentAlternateSetting The WinUsb_SetCurrentAlternateSetting function sets the alternate setting of an interface. |
WinUsb_SetPipePolicy The WinUsb_SetPipePolicy function sets the policy for a specific pipe associated with an endpoint on the device. This is a synchronous operation. |
WinUsb_SetPowerPolicy The WinUsb_SetPowerPolicy function sets the power policy for a device. |
WinUsb_StartTrackingForTimeSync The WinUsb_StartTrackingForTimeSync function starts the time synchronization feature in the USB driver stack that gets the associated system QPC time for USB bus frames and microframes. |
WinUsb_StopTrackingForTimeSync The WinUsb_StopTrackingForTimeSync function tops the time synchronization feature in the USB driver stack that gets the associated system QPC time for USB bus frames and microframes. |
WinUsb_UnregisterIsochBuffer The WinUsb_UnregisterIsochBuffer function releases all of the resources that WinUsb_RegisterIsochBuffer allocated for isochronous transfers. This is a synchronous operation. |
WinUsb_WriteIsochPipe The WinUsb_WriteIsochPipe function writes the contents of a caller-supplied buffer to an isochronous OUT endpoint, starting on a specified frame number. |
WinUsb_WriteIsochPipeAsap The WinUsb_WriteIsochPipeAsap submits a request for writing the contents of a buffer to an isochronous OUT endpoint. |
WinUsb_WritePipe The WinUsb_WritePipe function writes data to a pipe. |
WINUSB_SETUP_PACKET The WINUSB_SETUP_PACKET structure describes a USB setup packet. |