NdisClGetProtocolVcContextFromTapiCallId (NDIS 5.1) function

Note   NDIS 5. x has been deprecated and is superseded by NDIS 6. x. For new NDIS driver development, see Network Drivers Starting with Windows Vista. For information about porting NDIS 5. x drivers to NDIS 6. x, see Porting NDIS 5.x Drivers to NDIS 6.0.

NdisClGetProtocolVcContextFromTapiCallId retrieves the client context for a virtual connection (VC) identified by a TAPI Call ID string.


NDIS_STATUS NdisClGetProtocolVcContextFromTapiCallId(
  _In_  UNICODE_STRING TapiCallId,
  _Out_ PNDIS_HANDLE   ProtocolVcContext


  • TapiCallId [in]
    Unicode string that identifies a particular VC. This string is the Unicode version of a string identifier that was previously returned by the NdisCoGetTapiCallID function.

  • ProtocolVcContext [out]
    Pointer to a caller-allocated NDIS_HANDLE that receives a handle to the client context for the VC. The client supplied this context to NDIS on return from its ProtocolCoCreateVc handler.

Return value

Returns one of the following status values:

Return code Description

NDIS successfully retrieved the handle to the client VC context for the VC identified by the TAPI Call ID string.


The attempt to retrieve the handle to the client VC context failed.



Suppose a call manager calls NdisCoCreateVc to create a VC for a TAPI call. NDIS in turn supplies the handle to the VC to a client. The client passes this VC handle in a call to the NdisCoGetTapiCallId function to retrieve a string identifier for the VC. The client can then present this identifier as a Unicode string to NdisClGetProtocolVcContextFromTapiCallId to get back its context for the VC.

The client creates a context for each VC that it manages. The client uses NdisCoGetTapiCallId to retrieve a string identifier for each VC. The client passes each string identifier to a TAPI application to identify each VC. Later, if a TAPI application passes one of these string identifiers down to the client in a VC-related operation, the client must pass this string identifier as a Unicode string in a call to NdisClGetProtocolVcContextFromTapiCallId to get back the correct context for the VC.

See the UNICODE_STRING structure for more information.


Target platform



See NdisClGetProtocolVcContextFromTapiCallId.


Ndis.h (include Ndis.h)





See also






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