The OID_ATM_SERVICE_ADDRESS OID requests a call manager or an MCM driver to return the address of a specified ATM service. The call manager or MCM driver returns an address list formatted as a structure of type ATM_SERVICE_ADDRESS_LIST, which is defined as follows:

    typedef struct _ATM_SERVICE_ADDRESS_LIST {
         ATM_SERVICE_REGISTRY_TYPE ServiceRegistryType;
         ULONG NumberOfAddressesAvailable;
         ULONG NumberOfAddressesReturned;
         ATM_ADDRESS Address[1];

The members of this structure contain the following information:

  • ServiceRegistryType
    Specifies an ATM service registry type. A value of ATM_SERVICE_REGISTRY_LECS specifies a LAN Emulation Configuration Server (LECS) type. A value of ATM_SERVICE_REGISTRY_ANS specifies an ATM Name Server type.

  • NumberOfAddressesAvailable
    Specifies the total number of ATM addresses available for the indicated service. This value is greater than or equal to the number of addresses returned (NumberOfAddressesReturned).

  • NumberOfAddressesReturned
    Specifies the number of addresses that the call manager has written to Address. The call manager computes the space available in this array based on the InformationBufferLength passed in the NDIS_REQUEST structure that contains the ATM_SERVICE_ADDRESS_LIST structure.

  • Address
    Specifies a variable-length array that contains one or more ATM addresses, each of which is formatted as structure of type ATM_ADDRESS, which is defined as follows:

    typedef struct _ATM_ADDRESS { 
             ATM_ADDRESSTYPE AddressType;
             ULONG NumberOfDigits;

    The members of this structure contain the following information:

    • AddressType
      Specifies the format of the ATM address. A value of ATM_NSAP specifies an ATM Endstation Address (NSAP format). A value of ATM_E164 specifies an E.164 address (telephony format).

    • NumberOfDigits
      Indicates the number of digits in the ATM address.

    • Address
      An array that contains the ATM address.



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