As a query, the OID_WW_CDPD_NEI_STATE OID requests the miniport driver to return the current registration state and substate of a given NEI. The specific NEI is designated by its index within the NEI array.

As a set, this OID requests the miniport driver to set the registration state for the given NEI.

In either case, this request uses a WW_CDPD_NEI_REG_STATE structure, defined as follows:

    typedef struct _WW_CDPD_NEI_REG_STATE {
         UINT uNeiIndex;
         WW_CDPD_NEI_STATE NeiState;
         WW_CDPD_NEI_SUB_STATE NeiSubState;

The members of this structure contain the following information:

  • uNeiIndex
    Specifies a value in the range zero through nine that is the index to the NEI within the current array of NEIs.

  • NeiState
    Specifies the registration state of the given NEI as one of the following:




A miniport driver-set operation should return NDIS_STATUS_INVALID_DATA if this member is set to CDPDUnknown.


Specifies the current registration substate of the currently unregistered NEI as one of the following.

  • CDPDPending
    Specifies registration of the NEI is still pending.

  • CDPDNoReason
    Specifies registration of the NEI was denied categorically.

  • CDPDMDISNotCapable
    Specifies MD-IS was incapable of handling M-ES and denied registration of the NEI.

  • CDPDNEINotAuthorized
    Specifies registration of the NEI was denied due to lack of any authorization.

  • CDPDInsufficientAuth
    Specifies registration of the NEI was denied because M-ES gave insufficient authentication credentials.

  • CDPDUnsupportedAuth
    Specifies registration of the NEI was denied because M-ES gave unsupported authentication credentials.

  • CDPDUsageExceeded
    Specifies registration of the NEI was denied because usage limitations were exceeded.

  • CDPDDeniedThisNetwork
    Specifies registration of the NEI on this network was denied. If NEI cannot be registered on this network, the NEI can possibly be registered with another service provider network.

The value of NeiSubState is irrelevant for set operations. Only miniport driver-query operations set values in NeiSubState.

If any bound protocol has enabled indications with OID_WW_GEN_INDICATION_REQUEST, the miniport driver must call NdisMIndicateStatusto notify such protocol(s) if the NeiState value changes for the specified NEI. It can ignore the TriggerValue member that was specified in the OID_WW_GEN_INDICATION_REQUEST.

Note   This OID is not available for use beginning with Windows Vista.




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