The OID_WW_CDPD_WASI OID requests the miniport driver either to return or to set up an array of a maximum of ten Wide Area Network Identifiers (WASIs) and the current operating mode with respect this array. This OID can specify for the device to be configured to ignore WASI during channel acquisition, to not acquire a channel if the WASI of the channel is not in the current list, or to prefer a channel that has a WASI in the list.

This request uses a WW_CDPD_WASI structure, defined as follows:

    typedef struct _WW_CDPD_WASI {
         UINT WASI[10];
         INT OperatingMode;

The members of this structure contain the following information:

  • WASI
    Specifies an array of ten UINT values, each a wide-area network identifier.

  • OperatingMode
    Specifies how the driver handles WASI as one of the following values:

    Value Meaning


    Ignore WASI.


    WASI from list is required.


    WASI from list is preferred.


    WASI from list is excluded.


    To ensure that the list of WASI values is maintained, bound protocols should issue a query with this OID before they issue a set request.

    Indications are irrelevant for this OID.

Note   This OID is not available for use beginning with Windows Vista.




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