Reset (NDIS 5.1)

Note   NDIS 5. x has been deprecated and is superseded by NDIS 6. x. For new NDIS driver development, see Network Drivers Starting with Windows Vista. For information about porting NDIS 5. x drivers to NDIS 6. x, see Porting NDIS 5.x Drivers to NDIS 6.0.

A protocol bound to a connection-oriented miniport driver or MCM driver can call NdisResetto cause the underlying miniport driver or MCM driver to reset its NIC. NDIS itself can call the miniport driver's or MCM driver's MiniportResetfunction to reset the NIC.

Note   AF, SAP, and VC handles that are active and valid before a reset are active and valid after the reset.


The following figure shows a client issuing a reset request to a miniport driver.

The next figure shows a client issuing a reset request to an MCM driver.

When an underlying connection-oriented driver is resetting its NIC, NDIS notifies each bound protocol by calling the protocol's ProtocolCoStatusfunction with NDIS_STATUS_RESET_START. NDIS then call's the protocol's ProtocolStatusCompletefunction.

NDIS will not accept protocol-initiated sends and requests to a miniport driver or MCM driver while the miniport driver's or MCM driver's NIC is being reset. While a reset is in progress, a protocol driver must not attempt to send packets to the miniport driver with NdisCoSendPacketsor request information from the miniport driver with NdisCoRequest.

MiniportResetperforms any device-dependent actions that are required to reset the NIC. MiniportResetcan complete synchronously, or it can complete asynchronously with a call to NdisMResetComplete:

  • If the reset completes synchronously, NDIS calls each bound protocol's ProtocolCoStatus function with NDIS_STATUS_RESET_END. NDIS then calls the protocol's ProtocolStatusComplete function.

  • If the reset completes asynchronously, NDIS calls each bound protocol's ProtocolCoStatus function with NDIS_STATUS_RESET_END. NDIS then calls the protocol's ProtocolStatusComplete function. If the reset was initiated by a bound protocol, NDIS also calls the ProtocolResetComplete function of that protocol.



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