Monitoring Job Status
Note This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.
The Job Monitor window displays the status of jobs that have been scheduled to execute, as well as the status of tasks within those jobs. When a job has completed, Job Monitor displays the number of tasks within the job that completed successfully, the number of tasks within the job that failed, and the number of tasks within the job that were not executed.
To view the status of a job
Note This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.
Switch to the Job Monitor window.
You can also open a new Job Monitor window by clicking Explorers, and then clicking Job Monitor.
In the Machine Pool tab of the Job Monitor window, select the machine pool that contains the computer on which the job is executing.
A list of computers in the machine pool appears in the Machines pane.
In the Machines pane, select the computer on which the job is executing.
A list of jobs that are executing on the specified computer appears in the Job Execution Status pane.
To view the status of the tasks within the job, in the Job Execution Status pane, select the job whose tasks you want to view.
A list of tasks within the job appears in the Task Execution Status pane.
Note Job Monitor provides a static display of data. To refresh the data, on the View, menu, click Refresh. You can also refresh the display by pressing the F5 key or by clicking the Refresh icon.
To interpret the Job Execution Status pane information
You can review the Job Execution Status pane for information regarding your job, as shown in the following screen shot.
The Job Execution Status pane of the Job Monitor window
The values in the default columns in the Job Execution Status pane have the following meanings:
The first column is unnamed and shows the following icons to indicate the status of the job.
: The job is executing.
: The job has ended and passed.
: The job has ended and failed.
: The job has been canceled.
Job Name : The name of the job.
Job Type : One of the following values:
- Automated: The job executes automatically.
- Manual: The job requires manual intervention.
Job Context : If a context was specified when the job was created, that value is listed.
Scheduled By : The user name of the person who executed the job.
Start Time : The date and time the job started executing.
Last Updated : The last date and time the job's status changed.
Current Pipeline : One of the following values:
- Scheduler: The job is being queued to execute.
- PD: The request to schedule the job is being processed.
- EA: The job is executing.
- Manual: The job is executing, but you must perform a manual action on the client computer for the job to proceed.
- Mail: The job has finished executing, and an e-mail message is being sent to the person who executed the job.
- Log Result: The job has finished executing, and a log is being written.
- -: The job has completed.
Pass : The number of tasks in the job that have ended with status "Pass". This value is not updated until the job has finished executing.
Fail : The number of tasks in the job that have ended with status "Fail". This value is not updated until the job has finished executing.
Note The number of tasks that have passed, failed, and have not been performed might not add up to the total number of tasks in the job. Some tasks are defined, by design, not to roll-up their results into the total number of tasks in the job.
Build date: 9/14/2012