canPlayType method

Returns a string that specifies whether the client can play a given media resource type.



 retVal = object.canPlayType(type, canPlay);


type [in]

Type: string

The mime type of media that the client is being asked to play.

canPlay [out, retval]

Type: string


The type of media that is most likely to be rendered.


The type of media that might be able to be rendered

[empty string]

The media type cannot be rendered, or the media engine isn't available.

Return value

This method does not return a value.

Standards information


Positive return values are slightly vague because of the implementation variations in video and audio formats.


This code segment is from the demo featured in How to use HTML5 to play video files on your webpage and shows how to use canPlayType. Try the example online.

  if (myvideo.canPlayType) {
    // CanPlayType returns maybe, probably, or an empty string.
    var playMsg = myvideo.canPlayType('video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E"');
    if ("" != playMsg) {
      msg.innerHTML += "mp4/H.264 is " + playMsg + " supported <br/>";
    playMsg = myvideo.canPlayType('video/ogg; codecs="theora"');
    if ("" != playMsg) {
      msg.innerHTML += "ogg is " + playMsg + " supported<br/>";
    playMsg = myvideo.canPlayType('video/webm; codecs="vp8, vorbis"');
    if ("" != playMsg) {
      msg.innerHTML += "webm is " + playMsg + " supported<br/>";
  else {
    msg.innerHTML += "no video support";

See also

How to use HTML5 to play video files on your webpage

How to use HTML5 to Add an Audio Player to your Webpage