Create a New Job


Applies To: Microsoft HPC Pack 2008 R2, Microsoft HPC Pack 2012, Microsoft HPC Pack 2012 R2

You create a new job by specifying the Job properties, including the job template to use, and by adding tasks to the job. For information about the types of tasks that you can define, see Understanding Task Types.


Cluster administrators can specify permissions regarding which users can use a particular job template. For information about the job templates that you have access to and should use, contact your cluster administrator.

You can use the following procedure to create a new job using HPC Cluster Manager.

To create a new job

  1. In Job Management, in the Actions pane, click New Job.

  2. In the left pane of the New Job dialog box, click Job Details, and then provide the following details for the job:

    1. In the Job name text box, type a name for the job.

    2. In the Job template drop-down list, select a job template. After you select a job template for a new job, the available values for job properties in the New Job dialog box change accordingly.

  3. In the left pane of the New Job dialog box, click Edit Tasks.

  4. Add tasks to your job:

    • To create a new task, point to the Add button, click the down arrow, then select a task type. In the task dialog box, provide information for your task, then click Save to add the task to your job and return to the New Job dialog box.

    • To add a saved task to your job, point to the Add button, click the down arrow, then click From Task File. Navigate to the location of the task XML file and click Open to add the task to your job and return to the New Job dialog box.

    In the New Job dialog box, you can see a list of the tasks that you added.

  5. Optionally, you can set the order in which the tasks are run. Click the Dependency button to open the Task Dependency dialog box. For more information, see Define Task Dependencies.

  6. Optionally, in the left pane of the New Job dialog box, click Resource Selection to specify particular nodes, node groups, or hardware preferences.

  7. Optionally, in the left pane of the New Job dialog box, click Licenses to specify any software licenses that your job requires.

  8. Optionally, in the left pane of the New Job dialog box, click Environment Variables to specify environment variables to set in the run-time environment of all tasks in the job.

  9. Also, in the left pane of the New Job dialog box, click Advanced to specify more advanced options such as success exit codes, job dependencies, control when the job is queued, and specify estimated memory per process.

  10. Click Submit.

Additional considerations

  • The New Single-Task Job or the New Parametric Sweep Job dialog boxes provide a simplified way to submit jobs to the cluster. These methods automatically apply all default job property values as defined by the job template that you select for the job.

  • After you define a job or a task, you can export the job or task specifications to an XML file. This allows you to preserve a job or task as a pattern for future submissions. When you create a new job from an XML description file, or add a task to a job from an XML task file, you can modify any of the job or task properties before submission. For more information, see Save a Job or Task to a File.

  • You can also use a command prompt window or HPC PowerShell to submit, manage, and view jobs on a cluster. For more information, see Online Resources for Microsoft HPC Pack.

Additional references