Notification.Properties Property


Gets the properties that are associated with the Notification object.

Namespace:   Microsoft.WindowsServerSolutions.Common.ProviderFramework.Notifications
Assembly:  CoreProviders (in CoreProviders.dll)


public IDictionary<string, object> Properties { get; private set; }
property IDictionary<String^, Object^>^ Properties {
    IDictionary<String^, Object^>^ get();
    private: void set(IDictionary<String^, Object^>^ value);
Public Property Properties As IDictionary(Of String, Object)
    Private Set
End Property

Property Value

Type: System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<String, Object>

A IDictionary<TKey, TValue> that contains the properties.


The following table lists the properties that can be associated with the notification:




  • string

  • bool

  • sbyte

  • char

  • Int16

  • UInt16

  • int

  • uint

  • long

  • ulong

  • float

  • double

  • Decimal

  • Guid

  • DateTime

  • TimeSpan

  • Uri

  • CultureInfo

  • RegionInfo

  • ProviderInfo

  • OperatingSystem

  • Version

  • PlatformID


  • string[]

  • bool[]

  • byte[]

  • sbyte[]

  • char[]

  • Int16[]

  • UInt16[]

  • int[]

  • uint[]

  • long[]

  • ulong[]

  • float[]

  • double[]

  • Decimal[]

  • Guid[]

  • DateTime[]

  • TimeSpan[]

  • TimeZone[]

  • TimeZoneInfo[]

  • DateTimeOffset[]

  • Uri[]

  • CultureInfo[]

  • RegionInfo[]

  • ProviderInfo[]

  • OperatingSystem[]

  • Version[]

  • PlatformID[]

If you add reference-type objects to the Properties dictionary, you can modify the objects after you create the notification. If you do this, the changes are visible to other subscribers in the same process, but not in other processes. You should not modify reference-type objects after adding them to the Properties dictionary, because unexpected and difficult-to-debug behavior can be the result. Instead, replace reference-type values with new values.

See Also

Notification Class
Microsoft.WindowsServerSolutions.Common.ProviderFramework.Notifications Namespace

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