Buttons Enumeration

Enumerates input device buttons.

Namespace: Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input
Assembly: Microsoft.Xna.Framework (in microsoft.xna.framework.dll)


public enum Buttons


  Member name Description
A A button
B B button
Back BACK button
BigButton Big button
DPadDown Directional pad up
DPadLeft Directional pad left
DPadRight Directional pad right
DPadUp Directional pad down
LeftShoulder Left bumper (shoulder) button
LeftStick Left stick button (pressing the left stick)
LeftThumbstickDown Left stick is towards down
LeftThumbstickLeft Left stick is towards the left
LeftThumbstickRight Left stick is towards the right
LeftThumbstickUp Left stick is towards up
LeftTrigger Left trigger
RightShoulder Right bumper (shoulder) button
RightStick Right stick button (pressing the right stick)
RightThumbstickDown Right stick is towards down
RightThumbstickLeft Right stick is towards the left
RightThumbstickRight Right stick is towards the right
RightThumbstickUp Right stick is towards up
RightTrigger Right trigger
Start START button
X X button
Y Y button

See Also


Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input Namespace
GamePadState.IsButtonDown Method
GamePadState.IsButtonUp Method


Xbox 360, Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista, Zune