models Package



Represents an index action that operates on a document.


Status of an indexing operation for a single document.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to server.


An answer is a text passage extracted from the contents of the most relevant documents that matched the query. Answers are extracted from the top search results. Answer candidates are scored and the top answers are selected.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.


Captions are the most representative passages from the document relatively to the search query. They are often used as document summary. Captions are only returned for queries of type semantic.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.


The query parameters for vector and hybrid search queries.

You probably want to use the sub-classes and not this class directly. Known sub-classes are: VectorizableTextQuery, VectorizedQuery

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to server.


The query parameters to use for vector search when a text value that needs to be vectorized is provided.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to server.


The query parameters to use for vector search when a raw vector value is provided.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to server.



Specifies the mode for Autocomplete. The default is 'oneTerm'. Use 'twoTerms' to get shingles and 'oneTermWithContext' to use the current context in producing autocomplete terms.


This parameter is only valid if the query type is semantic. If set, the query returns answers extracted from key passages in the highest ranked documents. The number of answers returned can be configured by appending the pipe character | followed by the count-<number of answers> option after the answers parameter value, such as extractive|count-3. Default count is 1. The confidence threshold can be configured by appending the pipe character | followed by the threshold-<confidence threshold> option after the answers parameter value, such as extractive|threshold-0.9. Default threshold is 0.7.


This parameter is only valid if the query type is semantic. If set, the query returns captions extracted from key passages in the highest ranked documents. When Captions is set to extractive, highlighting is enabled by default, and can be configured by appending the pipe character | followed by the highlight-<true/false> option, such as extractive|highlight-true. Defaults to None.


Specifies the syntax of the search query. The default is 'simple'. Use 'full' if your query uses the Lucene query syntax.


A value that specifies whether we want to calculate scoring statistics (such as document frequency) globally for more consistent scoring, or locally, for lower latency. The default is 'local'. Use 'global' to aggregate scoring statistics globally before scoring. Using global scoring statistics can increase latency of search queries.


Specifies whether any or all of the search terms must be matched in order to count the document as a match.


Allows the user to choose whether a semantic call should fail completely, or to return partial results.


Reason that a partial response was returned for a semantic ranking request.


Type of partial response that was returned for a semantic ranking request.


Determines whether or not filters are applied before or after the vector search is performed.