Delete |
Deletes the file with the given file-id. Deletion is also allowed if a file was used, e.g., as training file in a fine-tune job. |
Get |
Gets details for a single file specified by the given file-id including status, size, purpose, etc. |
Get Content |
Gets the content of the file specified by the given file-id. Files can be user uploaded content or generated by the service like result metrics of a fine-tune jo... |
Import |
Creates a new file entity by importing data from a provided url. Uploaded files can, for example, be used for training or evaluating fine-tuned models. |
List |
Gets a list of all files owned by the Azure OpenAI resource. These include user uploaded content like files with purpose "fine-tune" for training or validation o... |
Upload |
Creates a new file entity by uploading data from a local machine. Uploaded files can, for example, be used for training or evaluating fine-tuned models. |