Data Registry - Unregister

Use to unregister data stored in an Azure Storage Account that is registered with an Azure Maps account.

The Unregister API is an HTTP DELETE request that removes a data registry without deleting the underlying content from the Azure storage account.

Useful in scenarios like unregistering geofence files previously registered using the Register or Replace API for use in the Azure Maps Geofencing Service, or unregistering a compressed (ZIP) file containing DWG design files used by the Azure Maps Creator Conversion Service.

The data registry service endpoint is limited in scope to the region of your Azure Maps account and is not available for global Azure Maps accounts.

Submit Unregister Request

Use an HTTP DELETE request with the udid of the data registry to unregister.

Unregister Response

The Unregister request returns a HTTP '204 No Content' response with an empty body, if the data registry was deleted successfully.

DELETE https://{geography}{udid}?api-version=2023-06-01

URI Parameters

Name In Required Type Description
path True


This parameter specifies where the Azure Maps Account is located. Valid values are us (East US, West Central US, West US 2) and eu (North Europe, West Europe).

path True


The user data ID of the data registry.

Regex pattern: ^[a-fA-F0-9]{8}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{12}$

query True


The version number of Azure Maps API.

Request Header

Name Required Type Description


Specifies which account is intended for usage in conjunction with the Microsoft Entra ID security model. It represents a unique ID for the Azure Maps account and can be retrieved from the Azure Maps management plane Account API. To use Microsoft Entra ID security in Azure Maps see the following articles for guidance.


Name Type Description
204 No Content

The Unregister request completed successfully. The data registry is deleted but the data has not been removed from the storage account.

Other Status Codes


An unexpected error occurred.


x-ms-error-code: string



These are the Microsoft Entra OAuth 2.0 Flows. When paired with Azure role-based access control it can be used to control access to Azure Maps REST APIs. Azure role-based access controls are used to designate access to one or more Azure Maps resource account or sub-resources. Any user, group, or service principal can be granted access via a built-in role or a custom role composed of one or more permissions to Azure Maps REST APIs.

To implement scenarios, we recommend viewing authentication concepts. In summary, this security definition provides a solution for modeling application(s) via objects capable of access control on specific APIs and scopes.


  • This security definition requires the use of the x-ms-client-id header to indicate which Azure Maps resource the application is requesting access to. This can be acquired from the Maps management API.

The Authorization URL is specific to the Azure public cloud instance. Sovereign clouds have unique Authorization URLs and Microsoft Entra ID configurations. * The Azure role-based access control is configured from the Azure management plane via Azure portal, PowerShell, CLI, Azure SDKs, or REST APIs. * Usage of the Azure Maps Web SDK allows for configuration based setup of an application for multiple use cases.

Type: oauth2
Flow: implicit
Authorization URL:


Name Description


This is a shared key that is provisioned when creating an Azure Maps resource through the Azure management plane via Azure portal, PowerShell, CLI, Azure SDKs, or REST APIs.

With this key, any application is authorized to access all REST APIs. In other words, these can currently be treated as master keys to the account they are issued for.

For publicly exposed applications, our recommendation is to use server-to-server access of Azure Maps REST APIs where this key can be securely stored.

Type: apiKey
In: header

SAS Token

This is a shared access signature token is created from the List SAS operation on the Azure Maps resource through the Azure management plane via Azure portal, PowerShell, CLI, Azure SDKs, or REST APIs.

With this token, any application is authorized to access with Azure role-based access controls and fine-grain control to the expiration, rate, and region(s) of use for the particular token. In other words, the SAS Token can be used to allow applications to control access in a more secured way than the shared key.

For publicly exposed applications, our recommendation is to configure a specific list of allowed origins on the Map account resource to limit rendering abuse and regularly renew the SAS Token.

Type: apiKey
In: header


Unregister a data registry without deleting the underlying contents

Sample request


Sample response


Name Description

The error detail.


Common error response for Azure Maps APIs to return error details for failed operations.


An object containing more specific information than the current object about the error.


The error detail.

Name Type Description


One of a server-defined set of error codes.



An array of details about specific errors that led to this reported error.



An object containing more specific information than the current object about the error.



A human-readable representation of the error.



The target of the error.


Common error response for Azure Maps APIs to return error details for failed operations.

Name Type Description


The error detail.


An object containing more specific information than the current object about the error.

Name Type Description


The error code.



An object containing more specific information than the current object about the error.