Create or overwrite an installation

This method creates or overwrites an installation.


Method Request URI HTTP version
PUT https://{namespace}{NotificationHub}/installations/{id}?api-version=2015-01 HTTP/1.1

Request headers

The following table describes required and optional request headers.

Request header Description
Content-Type application/json
Authorization SAS token generated as specified in Shared Access Signature Authentication with Service Bus.
x-ms-version 2015-01

Request body

The following table describes the properties of the JSON request body for installations:

Name Type Required Read-only Description
installationId String Yes No Globally unique identifier string
userID String No No Custom string containing a combination of alphanumeric characters and -_@#.:=. There is a one to many relationship between UserID and Installation ID (i.e one User ID can be associated with multiple installations)
lastActiveOn String No Yes The date when the installation was made inactivate by the PNS.
expirationTime String No Yes A string containing the date and time in W3C DTF, YYYY-MM-DDThh:mmTZD (for example, 1997-07-16T19:20+01:00)) in which the registration will expire. The value can be set at the hub level on create or update, and by default, never expires (9999-12-31T23:59:59).
lastUpdate String Ignored when updating. Returned when reading. Yes Date in W3C format of last update to this installation.
platform String Yes No Can be {APNS, WNS, MPNS, ADM, GCM}.
pushChannel String Yes No The PNS handle for this installation (if you're using WNS and the ChannelUri of the ApplicationTile).
expiredPushChannel Boolean Ignored when updating. Returned when reading. Yes This parameter is true if the PNS expired the channel.
tags Array of strings No No An array of tags. Tags are strings as defined in hub specs.
templates JSON object No No A JSON object representing a dictionary of templateNames to template description.
templates.{name} String No No JSON object representing a template.
templates.{name}.body String Yes, if template present No Template for the body of notification payload.
templates.{name}.headers JSON object No. Can be present only if platform is WNS or MPNS. No JSON object where each property is a header name and value is a template expression.
templates.{name}.expiry String No. Can be present only if platform is apns No Template expression evaluating in W3D date format.
templates.{name}.tags Array of strings No No Array of tags for this template.
secondaryTiles JSON object No. Can be present only if platform is wns. No JSON object containing a dictionary of tileId and secondaryTiles objects.
secondaryTile.{tileId} JSON object No No JSON object with push properties for secondary tiles.
secondaryTile.{tileId}.pushChannel String Yes, if tileId is present No ChannelUri for secondary tile.
secondaryTile.{tileId}.tags Array of strings No No Tags for native notifications to secondary tile.
secondaryTile.{tileId}.templates JSON object No No Same as templates property but for each secondary tile.

Note the following points:

  • In JSON, the order of elements is not important.
  • Template body has to be JSON for APNS, GCM, ADM.
  • Template body must be XML for WNS and MPNS (except when raw).
  • Templates for WNS must include X-WNS-Type header.
  • Templates for MPNS must have compatible headers as described in Sending push notifications for Windows Phone 8.

Some JSON examples follow.

Example to register with APNS:

    "installationId": "12234", 
    "userID": "MyAmazingUser",
    "tags": ["foo", "bar"], 
    "platform": "apns", 
    "pushChannel": "ABCDEF-123456-…" 


The Tags element is optional.

Example to register natively with WNS including a template and no tags:

    "installationId": "12234", 
    "userID": "MyAmazingUser",
    "platform": "wns", 
    "pushChannel": "https://db3...", 
    "templates": { 
        "myTemplate" : { 
            body : '<toast><visual lang="en-US"><binding template="ToastTest01"><text id="1">$myTextProp1</text></binding></visual></tile>',
            headers: { "X-WNS-Type": "wns/toast" }, 
            "tags": ["foo", "bar"] 


A skeleton listing of many possible elements

    installationId: "", 
    userID: "",
    expirationTime: "", 
    tags: ["foo", "bar"],
    lastUpdate: "", 
    user: "", 
    advertisingId: "", 
    appId: "" 
    platform: "", 
    pushChannel: "", 

    templates: { 
        "templateName1" : { 
            body: "", 
            headers: { "X-WNS-Type": "wns/tile" }, 
            expiration: "",
            tags: ["foo", "bar"] 

    secondaryTiles: { 
        "tileId1": { 
            pushChannel: "", 
            tags: ["foo", "bar"], 

            templates: { 
                "otherTemplate": { 
                    bodyTemplate: "", 
                    headers: { ... }, 
                    tags: ["foo"] 


The response includes an HTTP status code and a set of response headers.

Response codes

Code Description
200 The installation was queued successfully and is processed in the background.
400 The installation could not be created/overwritten because the request was malformed.
401 Authorization failure. The access key was incorrect.
403 Too many installations in this namespace - Installations not created.

For information about status codes, see Status and Error Codes.

Response headers

Response header Description
Content-type application/json
Content-Location The location of the installation in the format: https://{namespace}{NotificationHub}/installations/<installationId>

Response body


See Also

Read an installation
Update an installation by Installation ID
Delete an installation