Create or overwrite an installation
This method creates or overwrites an installation.
Method | Request URI | HTTP version |
PUT | https://{namespace}{NotificationHub}/installations/{id}?api-version=2015-01 |
HTTP/1.1 |
Request headers
The following table describes required and optional request headers.
Request header | Description |
Content-Type | application/json |
Authorization | SAS token generated as specified in Shared Access Signature Authentication with Service Bus. |
x-ms-version | 2015-01 |
Request body
The following table describes the properties of the JSON request body for installations:
Name | Type | Required | Read-only | Description |
installationId | String | Yes | No | Globally unique identifier string |
userID | String | No | No | Custom string containing a combination of alphanumeric characters and -_@#.:=. There is a one to many relationship between UserID and Installation ID (i.e one User ID can be associated with multiple installations) |
lastActiveOn | String | No | Yes | The date when the installation was made inactivate by the PNS. |
expirationTime | String | No | Yes | A string containing the date and time in W3C DTF, YYYY-MM-DDThh:mmTZD (for example, 1997-07-16T19:20+01:00)) in which the registration will expire. The value can be set at the hub level on create or update, and by default, never expires (9999-12-31T23:59:59). |
lastUpdate | String | Ignored when updating. Returned when reading. | Yes | Date in W3C format of last update to this installation. |
platform | String | Yes | No | Can be {APNS, WNS, MPNS, ADM, GCM}. |
pushChannel | String | Yes | No | The PNS handle for this installation (if you're using WNS and the ChannelUri of the ApplicationTile). |
expiredPushChannel | Boolean | Ignored when updating. Returned when reading. | Yes | This parameter is true if the PNS expired the channel. |
tags | Array of strings | No | No | An array of tags. Tags are strings as defined in hub specs. |
templates | JSON object | No | No | A JSON object representing a dictionary of templateNames to template description. |
templates.{name} | String | No | No | JSON object representing a template. |
templates.{name}.body | String | Yes, if template present | No | Template for the body of notification payload. |
templates.{name}.headers | JSON object | No. Can be present only if platform is WNS or MPNS. | No | JSON object where each property is a header name and value is a template expression. |
templates.{name}.expiry | String | No. Can be present only if platform is apns | No | Template expression evaluating in W3D date format. |
templates.{name}.tags | Array of strings | No | No | Array of tags for this template. |
secondaryTiles | JSON object | No. Can be present only if platform is wns. | No | JSON object containing a dictionary of tileId and secondaryTiles objects. |
secondaryTile.{tileId} | JSON object | No | No | JSON object with push properties for secondary tiles. |
secondaryTile.{tileId}.pushChannel | String | Yes, if tileId is present | No | ChannelUri for secondary tile. |
secondaryTile.{tileId}.tags | Array of strings | No | No | Tags for native notifications to secondary tile. |
secondaryTile.{tileId}.templates | JSON object | No | No | Same as templates property but for each secondary tile. |
Note the following points:
- In JSON, the order of elements is not important.
- Template body has to be JSON for APNS, GCM, ADM.
- Template body must be XML for WNS and MPNS (except when raw).
- Templates for WNS must include X-WNS-Type header.
- Templates for MPNS must have compatible headers as described in Sending push notifications for Windows Phone 8.
Some JSON examples follow.
Example to register with APNS:
"installationId": "12234",
"userID": "MyAmazingUser",
"tags": ["foo", "bar"],
"platform": "apns",
"pushChannel": "ABCDEF-123456-…"
The Tags element is optional.
Example to register natively with WNS including a template and no tags:
"installationId": "12234",
"userID": "MyAmazingUser",
"platform": "wns",
"pushChannel": "https://db3...",
"templates": {
"myTemplate" : {
body : '<toast><visual lang="en-US"><binding template="ToastTest01"><text id="1">$myTextProp1</text></binding></visual></tile>',
headers: { "X-WNS-Type": "wns/toast" },
"tags": ["foo", "bar"]
A skeleton listing of many possible elements
installationId: "",
userID: "",
expirationTime: "",
tags: ["foo", "bar"],
lastUpdate: "",
user: "",
advertisingId: "",
appId: ""
platform: "",
pushChannel: "",
templates: {
"templateName1" : {
body: "",
headers: { "X-WNS-Type": "wns/tile" },
expiration: "",
tags: ["foo", "bar"]
secondaryTiles: {
"tileId1": {
pushChannel: "",
tags: ["foo", "bar"],
templates: {
"otherTemplate": {
bodyTemplate: "",
headers: { ... },
tags: ["foo"]
The response includes an HTTP status code and a set of response headers.
Response codes
Code | Description |
200 | The installation was queued successfully and is processed in the background. |
400 | The installation could not be created/overwritten because the request was malformed. |
401 | Authorization failure. The access key was incorrect. |
403 | Too many installations in this namespace - Installations not created. |
For information about status codes, see Status and Error Codes.
Response headers
Response header | Description |
Content-type | application/json |
Content-Location | The location of the installation in the format: https://{namespace}{NotificationHub}/installations/<installationId> |
Response body
See Also
Read an installation
Update an installation by Installation ID
Delete an installation