

Assign Term To Entities

Assign the given term to the provided list of related objects. Recommend using small batches with multiple API calls.

Entities Create Or Update is an alternative t...


Create a glossary.

Create Categories

Create glossary category in bulk.

Create Category

Create a glossary category.

Create Term

Create a glossary term.

Create Terms

Create glossary terms in bulk.


Delete a glossary. Will delete underlying terms/categories together. Recommend separate delete terms and categories.

Delete Category

Delete a glossary category.

Delete Term

Delete a glossary term.

Delete Term Assignment From Entities

Delete the term assignment for the given list of related objects.


Get a specific Glossary by its GUID.

Get Category

Get specific glossary category by its GUID.

Get Detailed

Get a specific glossary with detailed information. This API is not recommend.

Recommend to fetch terms/categories details separately using

GET /datamap/api/atlas/...

Get Term

Get a specific glossary term by its GUID.


Get all glossaries. Recommend using limit/offset to get pagination result. Recommend using 'ignoreTermsAndCategories=true' and fetch terms/categories separately u...

List Categories

Get the categories belonging to a specific glossary. Recommend using limit/offset to get pagination result.

List Categories Headers

Get the category headers belonging to a specific glossary. Recommend using limit/offset to get pagination result.

List Category Terms

Get all terms associated with the specific category.

List Entities Assigned With Term

List all related objects assigned with the specified term. Recommend using limit/offset to get pagination result.

List Related Categories

Get all related categories (parent and children). Limit, offset, and sort parameters are currently not being enabled and won't work even they are passed.

List Related Terms

Get all related terms for a specific term by its GUID. Limit, offset, and sort parameters are currently not being enabled and won't work even they are passed.

List Term Headers

Get term headers belonging to a specific glossary. Recommend using limit/offset to get pagination result.

List Terms

Get terms belonging to a specific glossary. Recommend using limit/offset to get pagination result.

Partial Update

Update the glossary partially. Some properties such as qualifiedName are not allowed to be updated.

So far we only supports partial updating shortDescription, long...

Partial Update Category

Update the glossary category partially. So far we only supports partial updating shortDescription and longDescription for category.

Partial Update Term

Update the glossary term partially. So far we only supports partial updating shortDescription, longDescription, abbreviation, usage and status for term.


Update the given glossary.

Update Category

Update the given glossary category by its GUID.

Update Term

Update the given glossary term by its GUID.