Management REST API versions (Azure AI Search)

This article lists the current and past versions of the Management REST APIs for Azure AI Search.

Versioned API docs

REST API docs are now versioned. When you open an API reference page, select the API version from the dropdown filter.

Screenshot of the version selector.

Stable versions

API version Specification API updates
2023-11-01 (Latest) Swagger specification Release note
2022-09-01 Swagger specification Release note
2020-08-01 Swagger specification Release note
2020-03-13 Swagger specification Release note
2015-08-19 Swagger specification Release note

Preview versions

Preview versions are released to test new functionality, gather feedback, and discover and fix issues. Preview APIs are available under Supplemental Terms of Use, and aren't recommended for production workloads.

API version Specification API updates
2024-06-01-Preview (Latest) Swagger specification Release note
2024-03-01-Preview Swagger specification Release note
2021-04-01-Preview Swagger specification Release note
2020-08-01-Preview Swagger specification Release note
2019-10-01-Preview Swagger specification Release note

Release notes


This preview version is built on the 2024-03-01-Preview baseline and adds support for a new NetworkRuleSet.Bypass value called AzureServices. You can bypass the network IP rules if requests originate from a trusted service on Azure. The only other change is renaming the SearchService.ProvisioningState to upper case (for example, from succeeded to Succeeded).


This preview version is built on the 2023-11-01 baseline and adds support for network security perimeter.


This generally available version adds the ability to enable or disable semantic ranking in Create or Update Service and Update Service.


This generally available version adds authentication properties to Create or Update Service and Update Service.

The ability to enable or disable role-based access control is generally available in this release.


This preview API has all of the features of the previous preview API, and adds the following functionality:

  • Preview support for role-based access control. Although support for this task is generally available in 2022-09-01, you can also enable or disable it using this preview API version.

  • Enable or disable semantic search. Semantic search is a premium feature that runs on Standard tier services. In this preview management REST API, use Create or Update Services to disable semantic search at the service level to prohibit any query that invokes semantic ranking. You can also enable this feature on search services on the free tier for a small number of free queries.

  • Enforce encryption of data plane resources via Customer Managed Keys (CMK). Use Create or Update Services to configure this option. Existing search services that don't meet this requirement are marked as noncompliant.

  • Disable workloads that push data from Azure AI Search to external resources. Use Create or Update Services to set properties.disabledDataExfiltrationOptions to "All" or null (default). Disabling all workloads turns off the following capabilities:


This preview API is equivalent to the generally available version 2020-08-01, and adds the following functionality:

  • Added sharedPrivateLinkResources support for two new resource types. New groupId values include mysqlServer (Azure database for MySQL) and sites (Azure Functions/app services).


This generally available version added Shared Private Link Resources support for all outbound-accessed resources except those noted in the preview version.


This generally available version added support for Private Endpoint Connections through Azure Private Link, and network IP rules for new services.


This is the first preview version. There were no preview features introduced in this list. This preview is functionally equivalent to 2020-03-13. It remains available. Any script or code that calls that version will work, but we recommend customers to update to using a more recent API version (either a Generally available or preview API version) to get the same results.


This is the initial release of the Management REST API. It provided APIs for service creation and deletion, provisioning replicas and partitions, and managing API keys.

See also