400 ReplicationLinksReplicationLinkNameIsInvalid - Replication link name should be a valid guid.
400 GeoReplicationDatabaseNotSecondary - The operation expects the database to be a replication target.
400 LedgerNoDropLink - Geo-replication cannot be stopped because the database has Ledger Digest Uploads enabled. Disable Ledger Digest Uploads and retry the operation.
400 CannotUseTrailingWhitespacesInDatabaseName - The database name validation failed.
400 GeoReplicationDatabaseNotSecondary - The operation expects the database to be a replication target.
400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.
400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.
400 PlannedFailoverTimedOut - User invoked planned failover, and it timed out while trying to contact the partner management service.
400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.
400 IncorrectReplicationLinkState - The operation expects the database to be in an expected state on the replication link.
404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.
404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.
404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.
404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.
409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.
409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.
409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseNotInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.
409 GeoReplicationCannotBecomePrimaryDuringUndo - User attempted to failover or force-terminate a geo-link while the secondary is in a state where it may not be physically consistent and so cannot enter the primary role.
409 DuplicateGeoDrRelation - The databases are already in a replication relation. This is a duplicate request.
409 UpdateSloInProgress - User tried to initiate an incompatible operation while a SLO update was in progress.
409 ManagementServiceDatabaseBusy - Database '{0}' is busy with another operation. Please try your operation later.
409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.
409 FailoverGroupAlreadySetup - The operation cannot be performed because the geo-replication link is part of a Failover Group. You must remove the database from the group in order to individually terminate or failover.
429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.
429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.
500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.
503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.