setObject Method (java.lang.String, java.lang.Object)

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Sets the value of the designated parameter using the given object.


public void setObject(java.lang.String sCol,  
                      java.lang.Object o)  



A String that contains the parameter name.


An Object value.




This setObject method is specified by the setObject method in the java.sql.CallableStatement interface.

This method converts the specified parameter to a CHAR if a NULL is given, before sending it to the database. If the parameter is declared as a binary, varbinary or image SQL type, then an exception will be thrown when the statement is executed.

Beginning with SQL Server JDBC Driver 3.0, the behavior of this method is modified by the sendTimeAsDatetime connection property (Setting the Connection Properties) and SQLServerDataSource.setSendTimeAsDatetime.

For more information, see Configuring How java.sql.Time Values are Sent to the Server.

See Also

setObject Method (SQLServerCallableStatement)
SQLServerCallableStatement Members
SQLServerCallableStatement Class