queryinsights.exec_sessions_history (Transact-SQL)

Applies to: SQL analytics endpoint and Warehouse in Microsoft Fabric

The queryinsights.exec_sessions_history in Microsoft Fabric provides information about each completed session.

Column name Data type Description
session_id smallint Identifies the session associated with each active primary connection. It is not nullable.
connection_id uniqueidentifier Identifies each connection uniquely. It is not nullable.
session_start_time datetime2 Time when session was established. It is not nullable.
session_end_time datetime2 Time when the session was disconnected. Sessions that have not completed at the time this view is queried are shown with a value of 1900-01-01.
program_name varchar(128) Name of client program that initiated the session. The value is NULL for internal sessions. Is nullable.
login_name varchar(128) Login name under which the session is currently executing. It is not nullable.
status varchar(30) Status of the session. Values:
Running - Currently running one or more requests
Sleeping - Currently running no requests
Dormant - Session reset because of connection pooling and is now in prelogin state.
Preconnect - Session is in the Resource Governor classifier.
Is not nullable.
context_info varbinary(128) CONTEXT_INFO value for the session. The context information is set by the user with SET CONTEXT_INFO. Is nullable.
total_query_elapsed_time_ms int Total time, in milliseconds, for which the session (requests within) was scheduled/executed for execution. It is not nullable.
last_request_start_time datetime2 Time at which the last request on the session began, including the currently executing request. It is not nullable.
last_request_end_time datetime2 Time of the last completion of a request on the session. Is nullable.
is_user_process bit 0 if the session is a system session. Otherwise, it is 1. It is not nullable.
prev_error int ID of the last error returned on the session. It is not nullable.
group_id int ID of the workload group to which this session belongs. It is not nullable.
database_id smallint ID of the current database for each session.
authenticating_database_id int ID of the database authenticating the principal. For logins, the value is 0. For contained database users, the value is the database ID of the contained database.
open_transaction_count int Number of open transactions per session.
text_size int TEXTSIZE setting for the session. It is not nullable.
language varchar(128) LANGUAGE setting for the session. Is nullable.
date_format varchar(3) DATEFORMAT setting for the session. Is nullable.
date_first smallint DATEFIRST setting for the session. It is not nullable.
quoted_identifier bit QUOTED_IDENTIFIER setting for the session. It is not nullable.
arithabort bit ARITHABORT setting for the session. It is not nullable.
ansi_null_dflt_on bit ANSI_NULL_DFLT_ON setting for the session. It is not nullable.
ansi_defaults bit ANSI_DEFAULTS setting for the session. It is not nullable.
ansi_warnings bit ANSI_WARNINGS setting for the session. It is not nullable.
ansi_padding bit ANSI_PADDING setting for the session. It is not nullable.
ansi_nulls bit ANSI_NULLS setting for the session. It is not nullable.
concat_null_yields_null bit CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL setting for the session. It is not nullable.
transaction_isolation_level smallint Transaction isolation level of the session.
0 = Unspecified
1 = ReadUncommitted
2 = ReadCommitted
3 = RepeatableRead
4 = Serializable
5 = Snapshot
Is not nullable.
lock_timeout int LOCK_TIMEOUT setting for the session. The value is in milliseconds. It is not nullable.
deadlock_priority int DEADLOCK_PRIORITY setting for the session. It is not nullable.
original_security_id varbinary(85) Microsoft Windows security ID that is associated with the login_name. Not nullable.
database_name varchar(128) Name of the current database for each session.


You should have access to a SQL analytics endpoint or Warehouse within a Premium capacity workspace with Contributor or above permissions.

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