sysdatatypemappings (Transact-SQL)

Applies to: SQL Server

The sysdatatypemappings view is used to show the mapping between SQL Server data types and data types of a non-SQL Server database management system (DBMS). This view is stored in the msdb database.

Column name Data type Description
mapping_id int The ID of the data type mapping.
source_dbms sysname Indicates the name of the DBMS from which the data types are mapped, and can be one of the following values:

MSSQLSERVER = The source is a SQL Server database.

ORACLE = The source is an Oracle database.
source_version sysname Indicates the product version of the source DBMS.
source_type sysname Indicates the data type listed in the source DBMS.
source_length_min bigint The minimum length of the data type at the source DBMS, where a value of NULL indicates that length is not used.
source_length_max bigint The maximum length of the data type at the source DBMS, where a value of NULL indicates that length is not used.
source_precision_min bigint The minimum precision of the data type at the source DBMS, where a value of NULL indicates that precision is not used.
source_precision_max bigint The maximum precision of the data type at the source DBMS, where a value of NULL indicates that precision is not used.
source_scale_min int The minimum scale of the data type at the source DBMS, where a value of NULL indicates that scale is not used.
source_scale_max int The maximum scale of the data type at the source DBMS, where a value of NULL indicates that scale is not used.
source_nullable bit Indicated if the destination data type supports null values.
source_createparams int Internal use only.
destination_dbms sysname Indicates the name of the destination DBMS, and can be one of the following values:

MSSQLSERVER = The destination is a SQL Server database.

ORACLE = The destination is an Oracle database.

DB2 = The destination is an IBM Db2 database.

SYBASE = The destination is a Sybase database.
destination_version sysname The product version of the destination DBMS.
destination_type sysname The data type in the destination DBMS.
destination_length bigint The length of the data type in the destination DBMS.
destination_precision bigint The precision of the data type in the destination DBMS.
destination_scale int The scale of the data type in the destination DBMS.
destination_nullable bit Indicates if the data type in the destination DBMS supports a null value.
destination_createparams int Internal use only.
dataloss bit Indicates if data loss occurs when mapping between the data type at the source and destination DBMS.
is_default bit Indicates if the data type mapping is used by default.

See Also

Heterogeneous Database Replication
Replication Tables (Transact-SQL)
Replication Views (Transact-SQL)
sp_helpdatatypemap (Transact-SQL)